Are there any truckers on NT?

Just keep in mind that trucking is going to be fully automated in the next 10 years. Not to be a Debbie downer but you need to keep that in your mind because it's not a question if but when.
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Just keep in mind that trucking is going to be fully automated in the next 10 years. Not to be a Debbie downer but you need to keep that in your mind because it's not a question if but when.

No it won't be. Not for my job.
Just keep in mind that trucking is going to be fully automated in the next 10 years. Not to be a Debbie downer but you need to keep that in your mind because it's not a question if but when.

Truth, 15 years max .

Honestly 10 years might be too long. People underestimate the rate of automation and just how fast AI learns now. It scary. A good chunk of what I do will be fully automated in 5-7 years and we've made plans at my firm for that already.

Problem is we don't have contingency plans for what happens for the displaced workers. We've seen how horrific it has been to certain areas these last 30+ years, it's only going to get worse off for people without an advanced degree doing service work that requires specialized skills. Most of which will revolve around IT related work now.
My uncle been doing it, drives cross country and making insane money :x
That could happen for over the road drop and hook jobs.

I spend more time out of my truck than I do driving, so no back problems for me. Also a truck isn't going to install the equipment I install, and an automated truck damn sure isn't throwing chains and driving on dirt logging roads :lol:

I could see it for the jobs like deliveries to Costco, that's why you got to specialize in something. Not just drive a truck from point to point. For one it's boring, two you don't make money unless you work 70 hours a week.

There will always be jobs for drivers, they just won't be ones the lazy fat *** drivers want who just drive on the interstate.
My dad has been doing it for 30 years probably and no back problems, he started his own company about 5 years ago and I run the office. Just bought my own truck in April to have a driver work for me and it's been decent side money
He never wanted me and my brother to be drivers though

Was he successful as in made a lot of money?

Did you, your brother and rest of your family live comfortably off what he was making as a trucker.

Was he away from home a lot and if so did it cause issues with your family like your mom or kids?
Yea made good money, the drivers we have now average 1200-2000 a week.

Super comfortable life I'd say but my mom always worked too

And he pretty much only does local runs so he was home every day

Side note - he came to this country from El Salvador during their civil war in the 70s so he's worked crazy hard to get what he has
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