Are these websites legit?

shoebacca should be legit, my friend ordered some stuff off them and they came in real, it's a good place to get older stuff for cheap if you can find it there
first two look very fake. FSR of these shoes? flag right there. shoebacca is a legit site, ordered from there many times.
Shoebacca is a legit site. Like scshift said, that's a good site for older releases. They're also good for releases that you'd want but don't want to pay full price for. The size run can be off at times but Shoebacca's solid. If Kobeshoebox were any more knockoff, Jean Claude Dam & Dennis Rodman would be featured. The LeBron VIIs are the most telling. Real LBJ VIIs and better quality fakes have 360 Air Soles. The VIIs that they have there don't even have a reasonable fake sole.
So does any body know where I can pick up a pair size 11UK in black/White or blue/White.
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