Are you an Atheist? What Promted Your Choice?



Originally Posted by Galvelocity


Religion has too many rules. If you combined all the rules of all the religions in the world, you wouldn't be able to do anything. I think the only rule the world needs is the Golden Rule, which, btw, is one that not many religions follow because they don't treat non-members of their religion as they would a member of their religion. Jussayin.
Pretty much every religion has this rule. It's a simple concept, yet it's not well executed.


    Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.[32]

    One who, while himself seeking happiness, oppresses with violence other beings who also desire happiness, will not attain happiness hereafter.
    —Dhammapada 10. Violence


Luke 6:31

    And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.


    Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.(己所
Originally Posted by Galvelocity


Religion has too many rules. If you combined all the rules of all the religions in the world, you wouldn't be able to do anything. I think the only rule the world needs is the Golden Rule, which, btw, is one that not many religions follow because they don't treat non-members of their religion as they would a member of their religion. Jussayin.
Pretty much every religion has this rule. It's a simple concept, yet it's not well executed.


    Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.[32]

    One who, while himself seeking happiness, oppresses with violence other beings who also desire happiness, will not attain happiness hereafter.
    —Dhammapada 10. Violence


Luke 6:31

    And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.


    Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.(己所
Originally Posted by will068

Originally Posted by Galvelocity


Religion has too many rules. If you combined all the rules of all the religions in the world, you wouldn't be able to do anything. I think the only rule the world needs is the Golden Rule, which, btw, is one that not many religions follow because they don't treat non-members of their religion as they would a member of their religion. Jussayin.
I said not many religions FOLLOW it, not that they don't SAY to follow it. Do you have any idea how many wars have been based on religious prejudice?
Originally Posted by will068

Originally Posted by Galvelocity


Religion has too many rules. If you combined all the rules of all the religions in the world, you wouldn't be able to do anything. I think the only rule the world needs is the Golden Rule, which, btw, is one that not many religions follow because they don't treat non-members of their religion as they would a member of their religion. Jussayin.
I said not many religions FOLLOW it, not that they don't SAY to follow it. Do you have any idea how many wars have been based on religious prejudice?
That's just words to live by you don't need a religious organization to get that through your head. Within that "rule" they present you with, come many other nicely wrapped stipulations which are currently deluding and dividing us all.
That's just words to live by you don't need a religious organization to get that through your head. Within that "rule" they present you with, come many other nicely wrapped stipulations which are currently deluding and dividing us all.
Originally Posted by ChiefWiggum

That's just words to live by you don't need a religious organization to get that through your head. Within that "rule" they present you with, come many other nicely wrapped stipulations which are currently deluding and dividing us all.
My point exactly. Why should I have to follow 1000 rules including boycotting Harry Potter just to be considered a good person by my religion?

Edit: What I mean by this is that I'm pretty sure that even if your God were to exist, he didn't make up a LOT of the rules that you all are currently following. That was just your religious leaders. Maybe the pope is a squib and that's why he hates the HP books so much. I'm pretty sure God has better things to worry about than handing down mandates against a children's book series.
Originally Posted by ChiefWiggum

That's just words to live by you don't need a religious organization to get that through your head. Within that "rule" they present you with, come many other nicely wrapped stipulations which are currently deluding and dividing us all.
My point exactly. Why should I have to follow 1000 rules including boycotting Harry Potter just to be considered a good person by my religion?

Edit: What I mean by this is that I'm pretty sure that even if your God were to exist, he didn't make up a LOT of the rules that you all are currently following. That was just your religious leaders. Maybe the pope is a squib and that's why he hates the HP books so much. I'm pretty sure God has better things to worry about than handing down mandates against a children's book series.
Once religion is removed, there is faith. I don't hold faith in many things honestly, but there are some things in which I do. If we eliminate religion, faith stands tall. We don't all need the same exact faith, just faith. Then..there is common ground, with common ground comes understanding, and hopefully with understanding comes peace. Religion, although it seeks to provide positivity (for the most part) in fact divides and deludes us.
Once religion is removed, there is faith. I don't hold faith in many things honestly, but there are some things in which I do. If we eliminate religion, faith stands tall. We don't all need the same exact faith, just faith. Then..there is common ground, with common ground comes understanding, and hopefully with understanding comes peace. Religion, although it seeks to provide positivity (for the most part) in fact divides and deludes us.
I wanted to stay out of this thread but I'll come back.

No one can prove anything? That's crap. It's as if you're saying humans aren't capable of discovering all sorts of things.
As humans live on and our technology advances we'll be able to do so much more and add to our understanding of our universe.

I'm pretty sure at one point people couldn't even fathom things like: Newton's Laws, General Relatavity, The Theory of Evolution , black holes, etc.
Imagine the things we have yet to discover? It's even possible that physicists will one day come up with a 'theory of everything'. Will there be any room
left for God? I tend to think science has already done away with God but of course believers haven't looked at the science or choose to ignore it.

It seems like many of you choose to remain ignorant of the facts that science has provided us. Why not just appreciate the fact that we are products of stars and evolution, why the need for a God?
Oh you can't explain ____ so it must be God. That's the kind of logic some of you are using. You simply have a hard time imagining that nothing has a purpose and that we aren't tailor made.

And the whole atheism is another form of religion is quite laughable. Ginzo has already touched on why it is so.

Also many of you seem to think atheist are acting as fundamentalist, some maybe, but I am not. I don't say with any sort of strong conviction that there certainly is no god, but I've come
to the conclusion that it is highly unlikely that there is a God and it makes perfect sense. Some of you may never understand this and that's fine you can continue to believe in a deity, and no
one should care. It is your right.  The only beef I have with religion is it's power and the influence it has on things like public policy.
I wanted to stay out of this thread but I'll come back.

No one can prove anything? That's crap. It's as if you're saying humans aren't capable of discovering all sorts of things.
As humans live on and our technology advances we'll be able to do so much more and add to our understanding of our universe.

I'm pretty sure at one point people couldn't even fathom things like: Newton's Laws, General Relatavity, The Theory of Evolution , black holes, etc.
Imagine the things we have yet to discover? It's even possible that physicists will one day come up with a 'theory of everything'. Will there be any room
left for God? I tend to think science has already done away with God but of course believers haven't looked at the science or choose to ignore it.

It seems like many of you choose to remain ignorant of the facts that science has provided us. Why not just appreciate the fact that we are products of stars and evolution, why the need for a God?
Oh you can't explain ____ so it must be God. That's the kind of logic some of you are using. You simply have a hard time imagining that nothing has a purpose and that we aren't tailor made.

And the whole atheism is another form of religion is quite laughable. Ginzo has already touched on why it is so.

Also many of you seem to think atheist are acting as fundamentalist, some maybe, but I am not. I don't say with any sort of strong conviction that there certainly is no god, but I've come
to the conclusion that it is highly unlikely that there is a God and it makes perfect sense. Some of you may never understand this and that's fine you can continue to believe in a deity, and no
one should care. It is your right.  The only beef I have with religion is it's power and the influence it has on things like public policy.
LOL as I type my dad is trying to get me to go to church again. I went last week after seven years of not going but that was just to prevent a family feud.
Looks like today is round two and I'm not going.
Note this was just when I woke up.
Dad: Let's go to church.
Me: Naw I'm good.
Dad: Why don't you want to go?
Me: I don't want to go Kanye shrug
Also note that he's saying this very aggressively and he said as long as I live under his roof I gotta do follow his "orders."

He left to go get my brothers ready for church but they hate going to.
The next thing I'm going to tell him is "I'm not going to church ever again and if you can't respect my decision then I don't know what to tell you." Kanye shrug.
LOL as I type my dad is trying to get me to go to church again. I went last week after seven years of not going but that was just to prevent a family feud.
Looks like today is round two and I'm not going.
Note this was just when I woke up.
Dad: Let's go to church.
Me: Naw I'm good.
Dad: Why don't you want to go?
Me: I don't want to go Kanye shrug
Also note that he's saying this very aggressively and he said as long as I live under his roof I gotta do follow his "orders."

He left to go get my brothers ready for church but they hate going to.
The next thing I'm going to tell him is "I'm not going to church ever again and if you can't respect my decision then I don't know what to tell you." Kanye shrug.
I was very religious growing up. Not because I was forced, but out of my own volition. I would attend church by myself every Sunday until around grade 8 or 9.
I compare my belief in God to my belief in Santa Claus (I am not trying to offend, please keep reading)

I believed in Santa Claus because I was taught to. As I grew and learned, I came to the realization that the things he was supposed to do were impossible. Though, I still believed in him for the sake of my parents who enjoyed it every holiday season.

I got to that point with Christianity. I believed alot of what was recorded in the Bible and in the theology to be impossible, but kept attending because of the people and the overall message.

Eventually, I felt that it was selfish for me to pretend to believe, so I stopped attending. I have great respect for sense of community religion usually promotes, but the faith aspect is something, as I have grown, I have come to question.
I was very religious growing up. Not because I was forced, but out of my own volition. I would attend church by myself every Sunday until around grade 8 or 9.
I compare my belief in God to my belief in Santa Claus (I am not trying to offend, please keep reading)

I believed in Santa Claus because I was taught to. As I grew and learned, I came to the realization that the things he was supposed to do were impossible. Though, I still believed in him for the sake of my parents who enjoyed it every holiday season.

I got to that point with Christianity. I believed alot of what was recorded in the Bible and in the theology to be impossible, but kept attending because of the people and the overall message.

Eventually, I felt that it was selfish for me to pretend to believe, so I stopped attending. I have great respect for sense of community religion usually promotes, but the faith aspect is something, as I have grown, I have come to question.
Agnostic here. I can't prove existence or non-existence (it's not a testable hypothesis). Either way, I certainly am not a fan of religion... That Stephen F. Rogers quote is on point.
Agnostic here. I can't prove existence or non-existence (it's not a testable hypothesis). Either way, I certainly am not a fan of religion... That Stephen F. Rogers quote is on point.
Because it has become apparent that people do not want to use logic, I have decided that bad grammar and improper spelling will invalidate arguments.

I win.
Because it has become apparent that people do not want to use logic, I have decided that bad grammar and improper spelling will invalidate arguments.

I win.
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