Are you an Atheist? What Promted Your Choice?

god gave man  life and free will to follow his rules or not... follow his rules = heaven, dont = hell..... pretty simple....
Just like Tfromthe617 said, there's groups that have used religion to exploit and damned African-American's forever...they corrupted the word of this so-called "good book" (because that's all it really is)
and basically bearded false witness. Thought that was a carnal sin? Blasphemy even...yet they seem "blessed" with the riches of the Earth, that were suppose to be inherited by the "meek and faithfully".

There's so many contradictions in your bible it's not even funny...Faith is an epidemic of delusion.

Not mention 90% of this world's war have religion as the catalyst. If you shoot someone because you claim "God" told you, then you go to jail.
But, they tell you swear to tell the whole truth so help you is your word discounted less than the prophets that claim to have heard him ?

If there is a God, Earth is cable channel with the best reality television... and him and Jesus are the equivalent of Beavis and Butthead sitting doing nothing, %#*$%!% up ##@% for fun.
I just can't picture a phemenon like the ozone layer, earths magnetic field, gravity and the universe not created by a higher power.
I just can't picture a phemenon like the ozone layer, earths magnetic field, gravity and the universe not created by a higher power.
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

God doesn't exist

lobotomybeats wrote:
It's not really a choice. It's just the truth.

JaeEvolution wrote:
The universe created itself, and inevitably it will destroy itself.
Prove it. (Keep in mind that the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence)

Edit - Some of you mooks are confusing believing in a God with following organized religion. A person can do one without the other.
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

God doesn't exist

lobotomybeats wrote:
It's not really a choice. It's just the truth.

JaeEvolution wrote:
The universe created itself, and inevitably it will destroy itself.
Prove it. (Keep in mind that the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence)

Edit - Some of you mooks are confusing believing in a God with following organized religion. A person can do one without the other.
i have trouble now in my manhood of accepting religous practises although i pray to my God, maybe its been ingrained in me but if you think humans the paramount of all species was created by evolution i think you are a fool, planets, the universe, all things we cant even comprehend has been put here by a higher being
i have trouble now in my manhood of accepting religous practises although i pray to my God, maybe its been ingrained in me but if you think humans the paramount of all species was created by evolution i think you are a fool, planets, the universe, all things we cant even comprehend has been put here by a higher being
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

God doesn't exist

lobotomybeats wrote:
It's not really a choice. It's just the truth.

JaeEvolution wrote:
The universe created itself, and inevitably it will destroy itself.
Prove it. (Keep in mind that the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence)

If you told me you could fly and I didn't believe you, would you say 'prove I can't fly?'
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

God doesn't exist

lobotomybeats wrote:
It's not really a choice. It's just the truth.

JaeEvolution wrote:
The universe created itself, and inevitably it will destroy itself.
Prove it. (Keep in mind that the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence)

If you told me you could fly and I didn't believe you, would you say 'prove I can't fly?'
Originally Posted by 10littlefigures

i have trouble now in my manhood of accepting religous practises although i pray to my God, maybe its been ingrained in me but if you think humans the paramount of all species was created by evolution i think you are a fool, planets, the universe, all things we cant even comprehend has been put here by a higher being
Word? So I suppose all that evidence for evolution is just a bunch of crap...

Also we have a great understanding about how our solar system formed.

The mystery of the creation of the universe is the next thing I think scientist will solve.

But in your eyes we shouldn't  even bother trying to figure out anything  and attribute it all to a higher being
Originally Posted by 10littlefigures

i have trouble now in my manhood of accepting religous practises although i pray to my God, maybe its been ingrained in me but if you think humans the paramount of all species was created by evolution i think you are a fool, planets, the universe, all things we cant even comprehend has been put here by a higher being
Word? So I suppose all that evidence for evolution is just a bunch of crap...

Also we have a great understanding about how our solar system formed.

The mystery of the creation of the universe is the next thing I think scientist will solve.

But in your eyes we shouldn't  even bother trying to figure out anything  and attribute it all to a higher being
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

God doesn't exist

lobotomybeats wrote:
It's not really a choice. It's just the truth.

JaeEvolution wrote:
The universe created itself, and inevitably it will destroy itself.
Prove it. (Keep in mind that the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence)

Edit - Some of you mooks are confusing believing in a God with following organized religion. A person can do one without the other.

Asking me to prove that is idiotic, I could easily turn around to you and say prove to me that God doesn't exist, NO ONE can answer either of those questions and they probably never will.
It is along the lines to me of who is logical and who isn't.
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

God doesn't exist

lobotomybeats wrote:
It's not really a choice. It's just the truth.

JaeEvolution wrote:
The universe created itself, and inevitably it will destroy itself.
Prove it. (Keep in mind that the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence)

Edit - Some of you mooks are confusing believing in a God with following organized religion. A person can do one without the other.

Asking me to prove that is idiotic, I could easily turn around to you and say prove to me that God doesn't exist, NO ONE can answer either of those questions and they probably never will.
It is along the lines to me of who is logical and who isn't.
I stopped following God after being forced to go to church/take theology classes from basically birth to the end of high school... I went to a catholic H.S. that was a lot of fun, but there was a lot of forcing ideas onto students. Once I experienced freshman year of college I just didn't care anymore 
Also, another turning point that pretty much cemented my status was when my cousin died last summer... he was 32 and died from cancer and religious folks were trying to tell me "it's part of God's plan, it was his time to go, it's all in the grand scheme of things..." etc, etc, bs, etc. How is it God's plan to take away a young man who was engaged with a good accounting job in downtown Chicago?? PLEASE, jesus freaks, explain this to me... because as far as I can tell, cancer is random and so is death. People die because of chance and poor luck. It's not some dude pushing buttons in the sky that turns off your life like a light switch, my cousin had the poor fortune to become sick and he passed. NOTHING beneficial happened from his death, it only ruined lives and made things a lot worse. If I have God to thank for all of the bad things in the world, then he sucks. 
I stopped following God after being forced to go to church/take theology classes from basically birth to the end of high school... I went to a catholic H.S. that was a lot of fun, but there was a lot of forcing ideas onto students. Once I experienced freshman year of college I just didn't care anymore 
Also, another turning point that pretty much cemented my status was when my cousin died last summer... he was 32 and died from cancer and religious folks were trying to tell me "it's part of God's plan, it was his time to go, it's all in the grand scheme of things..." etc, etc, bs, etc. How is it God's plan to take away a young man who was engaged with a good accounting job in downtown Chicago?? PLEASE, jesus freaks, explain this to me... because as far as I can tell, cancer is random and so is death. People die because of chance and poor luck. It's not some dude pushing buttons in the sky that turns off your life like a light switch, my cousin had the poor fortune to become sick and he passed. NOTHING beneficial happened from his death, it only ruined lives and made things a lot worse. If I have God to thank for all of the bad things in the world, then he sucks. 
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