Are you an Atheist? What Promted Your Choice?

Organized religion,can't believe in it. No way I am giving power to institutionalized religions because some men came along and preached that they are God's messengers and that they know the truth and purpose of our existence. If there that God that exists depicted in these religions,he would not have to fight for us to believe him and he would show it in the most convincing way rather than through schizo or mentally ill preachers calling themselves prophets.

Why the need to know how we came to be and our existence?We never will. Live in the present and aa is and make what you can out of this life. Just be.

Sorry for typos,posting from my phone.
Organized religion,can't believe in it. No way I am giving power to institutionalized religions because some men came along and preached that they are God's messengers and that they know the truth and purpose of our existence. If there that God that exists depicted in these religions,he would not have to fight for us to believe him and he would show it in the most convincing way rather than through schizo or mentally ill preachers calling themselves prophets.

Why the need to know how we came to be and our existence?We never will. Live in the present and aa is and make what you can out of this life. Just be.

Sorry for typos,posting from my phone.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

No religious person is ever allowed to ask proof of such people's delusions and confabulations it would be hypocrisy.

Atheists are right when they say the burden of proof lies on the theist, but again only in the argument of "proof for God's existence."  What I am saying is that there is no burden of proof in general, because religion is a faith based construct.  Science has the burden in general, because it's position is everything can and will be explained, when it has no explanation other than the improbable odds.

So science has the burden of thinking, ignorance truly IS bliss.
Believe me I know that more than most, thinking is doesn't make existence easy
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

No religious person is ever allowed to ask proof of such people's delusions and confabulations it would be hypocrisy.

Atheists are right when they say the burden of proof lies on the theist, but again only in the argument of "proof for God's existence."  What I am saying is that there is no burden of proof in general, because religion is a faith based construct.  Science has the burden in general, because it's position is everything can and will be explained, when it has no explanation other than the improbable odds.

So science has the burden of thinking, ignorance truly IS bliss.
Believe me I know that more than most, thinking is doesn't make existence easy
It's unfair to jump from that statement that applies in that context specifically and extrapolate it to "thinking" in general. Lets not forget that the foundations of science and philosophy are thanks to primarily Muslim scholars.
It's unfair to jump from that statement that applies in that context specifically and extrapolate it to "thinking" in general. Lets not forget that the foundations of science and philosophy are thanks to primarily Muslim scholars.
lol, again, dude won't address ******ation and deformation...

those are random occurances...

cancer, another one, mutated cellular growth....there are factors that can contribute, but its basically RANDOM

you're saying "no, its not random, its god's plan....hidden as a random genetic defect..."

your position is one that cannot be argued against, with logic, at least...

because your position is "nothing happens randomly. not even things that are proven to be random. ultimately, even random events in nature are controlled by god"

"prove to me that these very low, almost impossible odds are responsible for our existance! even if you do prove it, ultimately, god controls that..."

like, i could very well give you literal PROOF (which i did) and youll say "no, that's god's doing"

i think the very small chance someone is born ******ed, randomly, is proof enough that regardless of how unrealistic the odds, THESE THINGS DO OCCUR...

so however random or unlikely we exist on the planet earth, WE EXIST ON THE PLANET EARTH...

i dont see how the chance of one practically impossible occurance is MORE LIKELY than the chance of another practically impossible occurance..

like, even typing all this out now makes my brain hurt...

"you have no evidence and its highly unlikely.....whereas i have no evidence and its slightly less highly unlikely....which is an opinion, not fact, because, honestly, coming up with percents of chance of us being randomly created or created by god is a joke in itself"

you and your argument are the LULz.......but i have more stressing matters to attend to

like why god picked my garbage 328i to have ignition tumbler problems today....

can you ask him for me?

(i would, but i think it was just random, like the nature of our universe and existance, not that god picked today for me to bear the cross of having a car that wont turn off)
lol, again, dude won't address ******ation and deformation...

those are random occurances...

cancer, another one, mutated cellular growth....there are factors that can contribute, but its basically RANDOM

you're saying "no, its not random, its god's plan....hidden as a random genetic defect..."

your position is one that cannot be argued against, with logic, at least...

because your position is "nothing happens randomly. not even things that are proven to be random. ultimately, even random events in nature are controlled by god"

"prove to me that these very low, almost impossible odds are responsible for our existance! even if you do prove it, ultimately, god controls that..."

like, i could very well give you literal PROOF (which i did) and youll say "no, that's god's doing"

i think the very small chance someone is born ******ed, randomly, is proof enough that regardless of how unrealistic the odds, THESE THINGS DO OCCUR...

so however random or unlikely we exist on the planet earth, WE EXIST ON THE PLANET EARTH...

i dont see how the chance of one practically impossible occurance is MORE LIKELY than the chance of another practically impossible occurance..

like, even typing all this out now makes my brain hurt...

"you have no evidence and its highly unlikely.....whereas i have no evidence and its slightly less highly unlikely....which is an opinion, not fact, because, honestly, coming up with percents of chance of us being randomly created or created by god is a joke in itself"

you and your argument are the LULz.......but i have more stressing matters to attend to

like why god picked my garbage 328i to have ignition tumbler problems today....

can you ask him for me?

(i would, but i think it was just random, like the nature of our universe and existance, not that god picked today for me to bear the cross of having a car that wont turn off)
like, i could very well give you literal PROOF (which i did) and youll say "no, that's god's doing"

You're proof: That because genetic defects occur at low odds, and yet they still occur, this is proof that life can begin by chance.

Have I understood this correctly?

On the other stuff, I feel like we're getting into a discussion of fate vs. free will.  And it's a dead end.

We started this discussion where the debate really draws to a standstill.  Again, the odds of life coming about by chance are widely considered to be much more significant than the odds of a genetic defect.
like, i could very well give you literal PROOF (which i did) and youll say "no, that's god's doing"

You're proof: That because genetic defects occur at low odds, and yet they still occur, this is proof that life can begin by chance.

Have I understood this correctly?

On the other stuff, I feel like we're getting into a discussion of fate vs. free will.  And it's a dead end.

We started this discussion where the debate really draws to a standstill.  Again, the odds of life coming about by chance are widely considered to be much more significant than the odds of a genetic defect.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

like, i could very well give you literal PROOF (which i did) and youll say "no, that's god's doing"

You're proof: That because genetic defects occur at low odds, and yet they still occur, this is proof that life can begin by chance.

Have I understood this correctly?
no, its proof that nature is random, not created.

you say the proof of creationalism is that its more likely, percentage-wise, than a random occurance...

i say the opposite; regardless of which is most or least likely, we exist.

much like the very very low likelyhood that a child will be born with down syndrome....even though its very low, it happens....

just like youre SAYING the chances of us being randomly created through nature is very very low....IT HAPPENED;GET OVER IT

if you attribute our existance to a GOD, then the BURDEN lies on YOU

"this painting was done by a child"

"no way, its way too good. which child did this painting?"

"oh, i dont know.....but it WAS a child, i have faith that it was a child"


you gotta show me the child painting that well for me to believe....sorry....

like i said, you can believe or have faith in whatever you want....

pretending that faith or belief is rooted in logic and reason is a joke, tho

this is my last response.

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

like, i could very well give you literal PROOF (which i did) and youll say "no, that's god's doing"

You're proof: That because genetic defects occur at low odds, and yet they still occur, this is proof that life can begin by chance.

Have I understood this correctly?
no, its proof that nature is random, not created.

you say the proof of creationalism is that its more likely, percentage-wise, than a random occurance...

i say the opposite; regardless of which is most or least likely, we exist.

much like the very very low likelyhood that a child will be born with down syndrome....even though its very low, it happens....

just like youre SAYING the chances of us being randomly created through nature is very very low....IT HAPPENED;GET OVER IT

if you attribute our existance to a GOD, then the BURDEN lies on YOU

"this painting was done by a child"

"no way, its way too good. which child did this painting?"

"oh, i dont know.....but it WAS a child, i have faith that it was a child"


you gotta show me the child painting that well for me to believe....sorry....

like i said, you can believe or have faith in whatever you want....

pretending that faith or belief is rooted in logic and reason is a joke, tho

this is my last response.

I agree with Mo Matik that certain theists belonging to certain religions have no business trying to prove GOD exists nor should they ever be in those arguments. It's a glaring disconnect that many who claim to have faith ignore due tot heir own ignorance.

Faith is not certainty. You can not have faith without doubt. To be trying to prove and/oargue that there is proof that GOD exists would mean that one can know that GOD exists. If that is true then there is no need for faith. Faith in many religions is believing without proof. Tantamount to gullibility.

However, I don't agree with your odds vs/ GOD argument
That's that same argument about the chances of a tornado passing through a heap of metal and creating a B 52 Bomber or something. You're not viewing the odds correctly.

You should watch this Mo Matik:
I agree with Mo Matik that certain theists belonging to certain religions have no business trying to prove GOD exists nor should they ever be in those arguments. It's a glaring disconnect that many who claim to have faith ignore due tot heir own ignorance.

Faith is not certainty. You can not have faith without doubt. To be trying to prove and/oargue that there is proof that GOD exists would mean that one can know that GOD exists. If that is true then there is no need for faith. Faith in many religions is believing without proof. Tantamount to gullibility.

However, I don't agree with your odds vs/ GOD argument
That's that same argument about the chances of a tornado passing through a heap of metal and creating a B 52 Bomber or something. You're not viewing the odds correctly.

You should watch this Mo Matik:
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

I don't mean to come off as offensive, but I don't think you understand what I mean by odds in terms of the development of man vs. random genetic mutation.  There is a 1 in trillion odds life began by chance.  Period. 
I've only ever heard incredulous theists make the claim that there is such a small chance that life began by chance. The fact is, we don't really know how life began. That doesn't mean it's impossible.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

I don't mean to come off as offensive, but I don't think you understand what I mean by odds in terms of the development of man vs. random genetic mutation.  There is a 1 in trillion odds life began by chance.  Period. 
I've only ever heard incredulous theists make the claim that there is such a small chance that life began by chance. The fact is, we don't really know how life began. That doesn't mean it's impossible.
Is it a reasonable argument If I were to say the great Flying Spaghetti monster created us?

How can I calculate the chances of that by the way? Please enlighten me.
Is it a reasonable argument If I were to say the great Flying Spaghetti monster created us?

How can I calculate the chances of that by the way? Please enlighten me.
No that's definitely true.

But atheists have to be willing to acknowledge that while the search may still be active, we have not made any real progress in answering this question objectively.

ATGD I wasn't familiar with the weak bases in many of these statistics based arguments.  Point taken.  While placing an actual number on the odds may be naive, it's widely acknowledged that the odds are very low.  As the video states, most scientists don't agree it's a reasonable explanation.
No that's definitely true.

But atheists have to be willing to acknowledge that while the search may still be active, we have not made any real progress in answering this question objectively.

ATGD I wasn't familiar with the weak bases in many of these statistics based arguments.  Point taken.  While placing an actual number on the odds may be naive, it's widely acknowledged that the odds are very low.  As the video states, most scientists don't agree it's a reasonable explanation.
It's still a huge mystery, but I don't think it's true to say that we haven't made any real progress. Just by understanding the genome more we are making progress. Still, I don't see how you're able to conclude that it's statistically improbable for life to originate via natural processes when we still don't understand that process works.
It's still a huge mystery, but I don't think it's true to say that we haven't made any real progress. Just by understanding the genome more we are making progress. Still, I don't see how you're able to conclude that it's statistically improbable for life to originate via natural processes when we still don't understand that process works.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

It's still a huge mystery, but I don't think it's true to say that we haven't made any real progress. Just by understanding the genome more we are making progress. Still, I don't see how you're able to conclude that it's statistically improbable for life to originate via natural processes when we still don't understand that process works.

Didn't you see his support?  ANECDOTAL QUOTES from scientists from a Huffington Post editorial written by a rabbi!

Science hasn't figured it out yet...God did it!  same old fallacious argument....
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