Are you content with your life right now??? vol. How you living???

Nov 13, 2007
...As for myself...newly wed going strong on 18 months of marriage...receiving M.S ed in Dec...1st generation with higher education diploma...

...with job market so competitive and funds being cut, I still seeking employment...

...thank God for the things I have in my life...just tryin to maintain day to day...and still getting bills paid...

Doing well in college and have a lot to be thankful for. Even tho I do not have a job, bills are piling up, and credit score is rapidly declining, I am still focusing on my future and I really don't sweat that other stuff. 

 Like my man Steve Harvey said 'You might not be were you want to be, but it is a whole lot better than where you were"

 I am the first to go to college in my Family also
. Major institution at that
a women would be appreciated but having a job and not mooching off mom anymore feels so great
I graduate college after this semester.

Started my business. It's going well, but still a lot to do to really make it take off.

Got offered a job by my mentor (which is a pretty big deal) but I'd have to move across the country and put my business on hold. So still weighing the pros and cons.

Family is good, sister is in med school, lil bro just started college. Everyone's doing well, so no complaints from me.
No. Don't want to put negative vibes on this thread so I wont go into detail. Just nothing is going right, only thing keeping me out of falling into depression is my girl and I'm struggling to keep the negative out of the relationship.
Originally Posted by AyoDun

No. Don't want to put negative vibes on this thread so I wont go into detail. Just nothing is going right, only thing keeping me out of falling into depression is my girl and I'm struggling to keep the negative out of the relationship.

...depression is a serious psych always told me( used to get therapy from my time in combat)...if you think positive, act positive...things will start looking up...keep ur head up OP...
More than content, very happy.

Last year of medical school and looking forward to the Match. Scary but exciting that I really have no idea where I'll be living and working next year
-Not content because I work way too much and rarely get.a chance to go out or do what I want. So I'm currently in the process of looking for an opportunity to scale things back down to one job and maintain the same level of income or higher.
-Miss my friends but I refuse to move back home.
Glad to hear some of you guys are doing well. For the others...Your time will come.

I'm content. Content is very good in my book because not too long ago I was extremely stressed with debt, money, girl, and career issues. Flash forward a year or so and I have a great job, dwindling debt, and a new girl. Feels so relaxing to know things are on a better course.
I just got into a lab that will help me find a career later on (recombinant DNA)

Tuition just got paid, got my financial aid, I have no complaints
I'm living the life in many peoples eyes, but I'm no where near satisfied.
-In my second year of college and finally decided what I want to major in (criminal justice)

-Looking to move out of my moms crib hopefully at the top of next year

-I'm really just waiting to get my AA so i can transfer to UF where my homies are at

-Things are alright at my job, could be better, but i'm going on 5 years strong with a decent position. But then again its just a grocery store.

-Been pretty lonely, its been about 5months since me and my ex split and im still without a rebound

-Wish i had a girl

Overall things are straight
Right now I'm just chillin taken a break from school, goin back next quarter and will be finished with my AA. Got a decent job but I'm on call. On a better note I'm trying to get at this girl that might have potential to being the ONE but we'll see. Life is alright with me as of now.
Life's great got my car, killing it at Barber College, great family.Only complaints is not enough free time, job, or girlfriend.Plan to change the last two soon!
One I've been salty about is that my feet grew in the past year and I've had to sell off over 200 pairs of my collection. If it weren't for Flight Club I'd have no chance at getting my kicks back so fast, still going to take a minute before I get back to where I once was.

Hate my family though (parents are Desi and hate my Mexican girlfriend), I love my girl and my new baby boy.

Transferring to ASU next September.

Finances are good, getting money, could always use more but hey can't complain.

Gained like 40 lbs need to take care of that.

The one thing I am really truly going through is the loss of my childhood best friend. He was like a brother to me, he passed away on April 22nd three weeks after he found out he had cancer. The part that I can't get over is that he and I got into it a while back and hadn't spoken since then. We both moved out to AZ from NY and I didn't even know he was hospitalized because we hadn't spoken in over a year. Since I found out I haven't been the same, you never realize who you got until they're gone. He had just recently gotten married too, he invited me and everything and I didn't even go. I missed out on the happiest moment in his life and I am so ashamed that I wasn't there for him in his final moments. The cruel part is that I really thought that we'd squash everything one day but that the time wasn't right at this stage of our lives, I figured once we were older and back in NY where we'd be neighbors again our kids would be friends and all that, I took the time I had to make things right for granted.

Dude was my brother, his mom calls herself my other mother. I feel so ashamed that I wasn't there for him....I miss my dude so bad, I just want to hug my brother again. I swear NT if you love somebody but you two are beefing, squash it. Life is so damn short you just never know when God will call you.
- Lost my job and my girl around the same time
- Got a new job this week
- Applying to grad school (MSW)
- Opening a local restaurant with my parents early next year
- Miss my girl

Overall things aren't that great at the moment, but the future looks bright.

Time is both my friend and enemy...
My life has its ups and downs.
• In college. Meh....
• Haz a nice girl, very nice.
• One of my friends on business terms tried to crud me on some $ and haven't heard from him since.
• I'm broke, no job. Hustling graphics isn't going as well as it should.
• I hate school.
• Constantly worrying about my parents paying for school and how much debt I will be in once I get out.
• 18 credits every semester til I graduate if I wanna graduate on time and one 19 semester. 3 semesters left. Taking 18 now and I don't know how I'm surviving.
• I find myself getting more and more distant from people as they change.
• I want so much more for me and my fam. 
Just turned 18 and finished HS not really looking forward to college lol
life is alright for now could be better though im a lazy $$# though cant complain lol..
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