Are you going to call your parents by their first name?

Sep 28, 2002
I noticed that mainly white people do this. I don't know the protocol of doing this, but will you? I know that I will probably never feel comfortablecalling my parents by their first names. It just seems weird.
never have.. might be a race thing. im filipino so i never have. prolly get slapped or something
never, too much respect for my folks to call them by their first name like someone walking by me in the street.
IDK if its a white thing because none of my white friends and I'm white as well call our parents by their first name unless we are trying to break balls orsomething. It may be more of a lack of class than a white thing is you ask me.
Never have never will. It just feels too weird calling them by their first names. Doesnt show respect either IMO.
My momma call her parents by their first names and every time I be like if I was to do that I would get beat down
i do it as a joke to my back in middle school me and my boys used to call each other by our parents names
Just messing around, but not on no regular basis.

I guess it depends on the situation like if you hadn't seen a parent in 20 years and they come back into your life do you start calling them mom/dad eventhough they were never in your life like that.
My parents aren't uptight, so they probably wouldn't care.
I can call them whatever I want, as long as I address them with respect.
I couldn't do it. That's my mother and father/mom and dad/mommy pops. Can't ever be on first name basis with them. I do it once in a while as ajoke or to get their attention, but not continuously.
Not happenin, I like callin my momma "momma" too much
I rarely see my dad nowadays, but I still call him "pops"..

My triflin sister on the other hand.. she'll come over here and go "where yo momma at?" like she ain't give birth to her or somn.. sometimesI feel like she didn't cause she's throwed off compared to.. well my brother a lil off too
.. I just give her the mean
and keep it movin. Momma told me if you ain't got nothin good to say,don't say nothin at all, but I be wantin to
theshiznit outta my sister when she do that, especially cause she be the main one asking my momma for stuff and she don't even live here. Get some businessbout yourself you triflin mf
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