Are you guys worried yet?

Originally Posted by Lootpac

NT is full of debbie downers these days. Relax everyone, while there is some bad stuff going on, its really no reason to freak out on the level that everyone here seems to be freaking out.

in the next year or two your views on the danger where in will change
I'm not graduating till 2010. And I know my mom's and stepdad's jobs are secure as they can be. So I think I'll graduate just in time for theboom when they are hiring again. Though i agree, this year coming up could be tough. Though I think by sometime in June we'll hit the ultimate low, whichmeans nothing but good can occur from then on.
Originally Posted by mike rocks nikes

infamousod wrote:

I don't think enough people are aware of how close to a crisis the world is in terms of resources. We just had a replay of the OPEC I and OPEC II episodes where people in the 70's and 80's went nuts looking for alternative energy when oil prices were sky high but then 6 months later when the price is down again nobody cares about ethanol or anything else.

Water is an even bigger problem. Not just SLR (sea level rising) but the amount of drinkable water on the earth is getting scarce and the population is only rising. Economics can get worked out, you can switch off of oil eventually but the scary thing is when people will have to Kevin Costner in Waterworld drink their own filtered urine to survive.
you my friend speak the truth

and the scary part is I'm a fairly conservative person who has never cared about any environmental stuff. I'm not even completely sold on globalwarming since the planet has always had natural fluctuations in temperatures but there is so much more at stake than just that.
Originally Posted by Lootpac

NT is full of debbie downers these days. Relax everyone, while there is some bad stuff going on, its really no reason to freak out on the level that everyone here seems to be freaking out.

I'll remember you this time next year. Don't put up no brick.
Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by mike rocks nikes

infamousod wrote:

I don't think enough people are aware of how close to a crisis the world is in terms of resources. We just had a replay of the OPEC I and OPEC II episodes where people in the 70's and 80's went nuts looking for alternative energy when oil prices were sky high but then 6 months later when the price is down again nobody cares about ethanol or anything else.

Water is an even bigger problem. Not just SLR (sea level rising) but the amount of drinkable water on the earth is getting scarce and the population is only rising. Economics can get worked out, you can switch off of oil eventually but the scary thing is when people will have to Kevin Costner in Waterworld drink their own filtered urine to survive.
you my friend speak the truth

and the scary part is I'm a fairly conservative person who has never cared about any environmental stuff. I'm not even completely sold on global warming since the planet has always had natural fluctuations in temperatures but there is so much more at stake than just that.

im 14 years old man,your starting to scare me
Dont spend money. Dont spend money. Dont spend money. Leave kicks and clothes alone find a chick that will want you for you and keep it moving, trust me youare going to need it.
I am, jobs in CA are on a immense decrease. I have to work while in school, and with college grads taking jobs I used to get making 25K yr w experienceisn't helping.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by iBlink

Unemployment rates sky rocketing.

Real talk... 2009 seems like it's going to be one for the history books. I've had my TV on CNN for the past 3 weeks following the state of our union as best as I could while juggling school and other things. I'm getting worried now. My mom's struggling with bills, I've amassed 7K in student loans, my credit cards are maxed out, etc.

My professor predicted that college is kinda like a safe haven for now. He thinks that by 2012 things will pick up and the market will finally begin to show improvements.

Anyone else feel the crunch yet?
Man relax. Obama is going to be in office come January. Your mother's bills and your student loans, he'll take care of all that.
sarcasm right??
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

i have a feeling that crime will sky rocket....

hopefully im wrong

Its only natural, there has definitely been a rise around here as of late.
Originally Posted by infamousod

Water is an even bigger problem. Not just SLR (sea level rising) but the amount of drinkable water on the earth is getting scarce and the population is only rising. Economics can get worked out, you can switch off of oil eventually but the scary thing is when people will have to Kevin Costner in Waterworld drink their own filtered urine to survive.
I dont think water will be a problem anytime soon. Pretty sure we can desalinate the sea water if it ever comes to that
Experts say as long as no one spends $$ this will only get worse.....
im stayin in school on scholarship until it blows over...
c/o 2013 ftw
(college freshman, dual degree candidate.. 5 years.)
Live within your means. If you have to cut back, cut back. That's what you have to do in tough times.
All this just shows what a disservice the government is for the citizens in this country. Greed and corruption is what got the world into this mess and sincethe government is part of it, it will only keep getting worse. They try to solve one problem and all they do is create more.
You know what's scarier? Overpopulation. The world will soon not be able to sustain the populations.

I read somewhere within the next 15-20 years that the world will be pillaged just to keep us alive. There won't be any fish in the oceans, except the onesthat we can eat. All land will be turned into agriculture to help feed the world. And, there will be some sort of pandemic that will eventually fight to limitour population. Look at all the diseases within the last 20 years that are new...

What's even scarier, some of these diseases could be created by the super wealthy and super power...
Originally Posted by nnarum

You know what's scarier? Overpopulation. The world will soon not be able to sustain the populations.

I read somewhere within the next 15-20 years that the world will be pillaged just to keep us alive. There won't be any fish in the oceans, except the ones that we can eat. All land will be turned into agriculture to help feed the world. And, there will be some sort of pandemic that will eventually fight to limit our population. Look at all the diseases within the last 20 years that are new...

What's even scarier, some of these diseases could be created by the super wealthy and super power...

True. The theory that masses will die in the US from a plot to cause malnutrition interests me as well.
Originally Posted by derryj3

Please my parents been living in povert son. Bad economy ain't avlbout to effect me cause I'm joining the air force
Yeah, keep on thinking that. Im in Air Force and i feel it.
Originally Posted by Black Racer X

Originally Posted by dugtrio

unemployed and can't find a job for %%*%.

Word you just gotta dig deeper.
i'm trying, i'm not stressing too much though. i just need something to hold me down for 18 months till i graduate trade school. guaranteed job once i graduate.
Originally Posted by mike rocks nikes

Originally Posted by Lootpac

NT is full of debbie downers these days. Relax everyone, while there is some bad stuff going on, its really no reason to freak out on the level that everyone here seems to be freaking out.

in the next year or two your views on the danger where in will change
I'm not saying I'm not concerned, but out in the world and everyone seems to be going about their normal everyday routine, albeit a littleconcerned, while everyone on NT is freaking out, stockpiling food, guns, etc. waiting for the revolution. Its like all of NT reads the paranoid news thesedays, and only takes the bad from it. Things are bad, but they're not apocalypse bad, and they're not gonna get that way provided people like some ofyou don't go off the deep end and make them that way. The kicker in all of this is that half of you are like 17 and under, just wait a little while andeverything's gonna be ok.
Well, Fed just cut rates by a lot. Rate cuts = more investment by businesses = economy on the upswing, at least that's what's supposed to happen. Ihonestly think that the news has everyone shook.
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