Are you single? Do your married/whipped bros act like kids in a candy store when they get to hit the

To me it isn't necessarily permission, but a courtesy to sort of give her the heads up. I don't know too many successfully married people who just up and dip out without some form of communication. But most of NT wouldn't understand that I guess.

And yes, I use the "let me talk to my wife first" excuse weekly when door-to-door salesman come by. Works perfectly.
But it is asking for permission. If you say yes and then tell your wife "I'm going out with ...." thats a heads up. The people I know who have to talk to their wife first do it because she "may have plans" for them or she may get upset if she's not invited.
What is the proper protocol? Do you tell your significant other what you're doing and then do it without listening to what they have to say? Also, are you single? 
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I'm single,I don't believe in relationships of any type marriage,dating,anything like that.Most of my friends are married but they act exactly like they did before, they go out,party and drink,when I ask if the wives get mad they always say "Whats she gonna do divorce me?". I get called a bad influence at least once a week by one wife or another :rolleyes
Yeah kinda. I'm glad I got a kid so I can just roll single forever and give no *****. I'll keep a piece for a few months and if she tries to restrain me I'm out. I'm not about asking for permission to do anything. Not knocking dudes in a relationship but I'm still gonna do what I want regardless.
My relationship is great. I got out of a bad relationship where I couldn't go out, but she was crazy as hell. With my current I asked her last night of it's cool to hang out with my friends tonight, I asked just to prevent any plans she might make up that. She said yes.. with no pouting.. no folding her arms or silent treatment, no jealousy, I still find it literally amazing at how she reacts when I mention I want to hang with my friends.... If you snag the right one, then life in a relationship is amazing. I can say almost with a 100% certainty that those dudes with masters as wives or girlfriends are with a crazy *** girl. If they just say "I'm going out with Blablabla to Blablabla" they will flip the hell out. So they got to gently lay the situation on them. I've also used "I'm hanging out with my girl" line because I didn't want to go with them lol and instead I went with another group of friends to do something else..
To keep it real bruh... it's just a kind way of saying they don't wanna hang out with you.

Trust. I've used it a thousand times! Works like a charm.
thatreallifeether. Lol

But sometimes, cats do seriously have to ask for permission

It's true though bruh...

MFers be like "Ahhh you're boring, you whipped b"... when honestly, I don't want associate with them. :lol:
Got a question, if you're not married .. you're single .. right?

Without question, but that doesn't mean that you should lie either. If you commit to someone in anyway you should horror it at least. The whole "always single" means you can't always fall back on breaking it off. Instead of cheating and lying just do the right thing and break up
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