Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...


I hope everyone and their moms move their accounts.  Less lines. More customer service. 

[h1]Why Bank Transfer Day actually helped banks[/h1]

One of the drivers behind [Bank Transfer Day] is people trying to teach banks a lesson. The irony of that is since the financial crisis, and especially over the last three months as there has been a panic about Europe… banks have been inundated with cash deposits. They’ve been seeing a higher inflow of deposits than they can turn into loans.

That’s putting pressure on their margins because banks have to pay [Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.] premiums and overhead costs. And that’s really accentuated by smaller accounts because in the past banks could earn money [from customers with lower balances] from overdraft fees and debit interchange fees and a lot of that has been scaled down through recent regulations…

People are going to be moving to credit unions, and that’s good for them because they’re going to have lower fees, they’re going to have better service, they’re going to have the feeling that they are investing in their community. And then the banks are going to be better off because they are getting rid of their least-profitable or not profitable clients. It helps them stem this tsunami of cash that’s been flowing in that they don’t know what to do with.

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

I hope everyone and their moms move their accounts.  Less lines. More customer service.

[h1]Why Bank Transfer Day actually helped banks[/h1]

One of the drivers behind [Bank Transfer Day] is people trying to teach banks a lesson. The irony of that is since the financial crisis, and especially over the last three months as there has been a panic about Europe… banks have been inundated with cash deposits. They’ve been seeing a higher inflow of deposits than they can turn into loans.

That’s putting pressure on their margins because banks have to pay [Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.] premiums and overhead costs. And that’s really accentuated by smaller accounts because in the past banks could earn money [from customers with lower balances] from overdraft fees and debit interchange fees and a lot of that has been scaled down through recent regulations…

People are going to be moving to credit unions, and that’s good for them because they’re going to have lower fees, they’re going to have better service, they’re going to have the feeling that they are investing in their community. And then the banks are going to be better off because they are getting rid of their least-profitable or not profitable clients. It helps them stem this tsunami of cash that’s been flowing in that they don’t know what to do with.
I like to think I'm pretty well versed on finance, but confused me why the banks were having a difficult time with too many deposits.  Typically if you're a cash rich bank you start to lend money in order to reduce your reserves and grow your company.  Am I missing something in this situation with the new banking rules?
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Make joining the military a viable option, government loves idiots like him

I'll give him credit for being optimistic.  We'll see how close he gets to that "1%" when he leaves the army and graduates from college...
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by crcballer55

If I'm reading that graphic right, people who are more educated liberals who make less money are fighting against the less educated conservatives who make more?

I'm also wondering what the Occupy movements worldwide have to do with one another besides the name.  The people in Greece, Italy, & Spain are protesting the government cutting their benefits.  Germany is protesting giving their money to irresponsible people.

OWS doesn't want peoples money.
They just want to protest against people who basically cheat the system.

E.g. The banks should have failed in 2008. No ifs, ands or buts. 
What do you think would have happened if the banks were allowed to fail?


But no...we're conspiracy theorists...we're loony...


Goldman Sachs takes over the world. 

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