Arkansas now has strictest abortion law in US

Why is it always the states that should encourage abortions based on their residents that discourage it the most?
So your saying Mary Ann won't be able to get rid of her uncles fetus, and that baby won't be able to get a Prince Albert in the future?
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Besides a lot of cool people I befriended while I was there, AR is a ****** place, damn near ever city too, Conway, Jonesboro, Camden, wherever Ouacita Baptist is, damn near that entire state. The majority of the people born there with common sense and goals try to get the **** outta there. If you don't have any goals or common sense, you'll more than likely rott there while trying to take other people with you.
when i was little i used to think it was pronounced "R-Kansas"
They hate big government yet want to ban abortion and gay marriage. Always struck me as hilarious.
Besides a lot of cool people I befriended while I was there, AR is a ****** place, damn near ever city too, Conway, Jonesboro, Camden, wherever Ouacita Baptist is, damn near that entire state. The majority of the people born there with common sense and goals try to get the **** outta there. If you don't have any goals or common sense, you'll more than likely rott there while trying to take other people with you.

If I were to ever move back there it would only be in a city in Northwest Arkansas. It's like a completely different state up there. You got that Wal-Mart, Tyson and JB Hunt money flowing up there.

Ill just stay in San Diego for now hahaha
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