Arrested Development Appreciation Vol. > 30 Rock or The Office

Jan 30, 2008
I've been watching all three seasons over break again and I must say this is one best sitcoms ever. The Bluth family has to be the top or at least top 5funniest television family ever.

I loved how the writers and creators of the show used recurring jokes through out the series like Franklin and Gob's song playing in the background , Gobsaying "I've made a huge mistake", to George Michael and Maeby cousin relationship. The show was also up to date with the time with spoofs onMisson Accomplished and the whole building houses in Iraq.

From Tobias homosexual references, Gob magical tricks (with the final countdown in the background), Buster losing a hand, and Ron Howard Narrating I can'tsee how great of a show this is.

My fingers are crossed for the movie, also you can stream all the episodes on Fox's official site called, by the way I love 30 Rock and The Officebut I really do think that Arrested Devolpment is much better.

its better than anything ever created. so unique in its presentation and storytelling, the common folks of america are simply too stupid to truely comprehendwhat is being shown or had been shown.

the interesting thing to me is, i just started watching heroes and that show is pretty darn complex with its storytelling and branching from episode toepisode, yet thats a hit show and people get that... maybe its in the marketing but FOX never seemed to understand what they had on their hands. then again,the drama genre is quite different than the comedy genre and its fanbase. comedy fans need a laugh track and that predictability. AD fans may be laughing atalmost anything on there thats written. I love the part where the grandmother lucille was drinking at the model home and spilt her drink. and george michaeland tobias both slip.. its all in the wording and script. almost like inside jokes not everyone gets

that reminds me, back to to start with season 1 again.. i think ive seen the whole series 5 times now.... doesnt get old
i've got all 3 seasons on DVD

too bad middle america didn't understand this show.

i forgot what episode it was.. maybe 10 of the 3rd season.. the narrator (Ron Howard) says "now there's a simple and easy to follow plot with aguarantee of laughs. tell your friends" when Lucille didn't have caterers for their Save Our Bluths campaign.

that being said, one of the GOATs

i love all the references to random things too. that's what makes this show go, in my opinion.
Originally Posted by behemothcoa

Arrested Development >>>>> Seinfeld
Now I'm a huge 30 Rock and The Office fan, but I've never seen arrested development but hear nothing but praise. BUT, better thanSeinfeld? Come on now. George Castanza is just about the best television character in history, ain't no one topping him
No. No. Not at all, no.

Arrested Development is so overrated. Watching Michael Cera try to nail his cousin is not cool.
Wig Clerk: You buying today, or just curious?

Tobias: You can say I'm a little buy-curious!

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

No. No. Not at all, no.

Arrested Development is so overrated. Watching Michael Cera try to nail his cousin is not cool.
if that is all you got out of the show, then it was people like you that eventually caused the demise of the show.

by the way, movie update
[h2]Arrested Development: Update on Movie Plans from Mitch Hurwitz[/h2]
After months and months of speculation about an Arrested Development movie, it was announced a few weeks ago that it will actually happen. Movies based on TV shows have become commonplace but it's extremely rare for a show's original cast to make the transition. With that in mind, is it realistic to expect that movie plans won't get derailed and that the Bluths will really return?

Arrested Development ran from November 2, 2003 to February 10, 2006 on the FOX network. The offbeat sitcom follows the dysfunctional Bluth family and features the talents of Jason Bateman, Portia de Rossi, Will Arnett, Michael Cera, Alia Shawkat, Tony Hale, David Cross, Jeffrey Tambor, Jessica Walter, Ron Howard, Henry Winkler, John F. Beard, and Mae Whitman. Despite critical acclaim, the series never caught on with a big audience. Still, the show has been a big seller on DVD.

Now that the Arrested movie's been given a greenlight, you'd think that series creator Mitch Hurwitz would be busy working on the script. Not so. Though he has lots of ideas, Hurwitz recently told Fancast that he won't get started writing until the cast has signed on.

There have been rumors that one castmember has been a holdout. Both Arnett's and Cera's names have come up as possible culprits. Hurwitz says, "I donâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t want to talk about who is holding out right now because we might still work that out and I donâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t want to pressure anyone through the press… Although I will say that Will Arnett is gung-ho, so thereâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s a big clue!"

Though Hurwitz has yet to nail down the exact plot, he is willing to tease with a few of the storyline possibilities. "I think in some respect it would have to pick up where the show left off. Maybe the benefit of that would be, if nothing else, just to recap everything. There are a couple of ways to get into it. I was even thinking about a big animated sequence to start. Kind of like how the Blake Edwards movies used to start - to kind of catch everyone up."

He also says that the movie could potentially be a movie within a movie. In the final episode, cousin Maeby Funke (Shawkat) pitched director Ron Howard the idea of dramatizing her life story as a TV show. Prophetically, Howard responded, "I don't see it as a series. Maybe a movie." Of course, fans of the show know that Howard is the series' narrator and one of its executive producers. It's likely that Howard will have a similar role for the big screen version.
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Another option could be to make the movie a prequel to the series. That would neccesitate younger characters being recast. Though that option could be a solution to Cera's not taking part, the size of Shawkat's role could be negatively affected.

On the positive side, a prequel could open the door to examine some storylines that fans have always wondered about, including the deceased wife of Michael Bluth (Bateman). The series creator says, "There were a couple of areas where I always sort of held back, where I always felt like if I needed to deal with at some point, I could. One of them is definitely that story [with Michael's wife], and who those people are, and what effect that has on this kid. I don't know if we'd necessarily see her."

Hurwitz maintains that if, for whatever reason, the movie plans get derailed, the show will go on. He says that his ideas for the Bluths could find a home online or via a direct-to-DVD release. He notes, "It's too much fun for us all. The fans have been so supportive and so sincere in their fondness for it. That's really the big motivation to make the film. It sounds kind of corny. It's not like it's going to pay very much! It's a really low budget film and it's going to be a ton of work, but it just kind of feels like… well, people are so great about responding to this."
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by behemothcoa

Arrested Development >>>>> Seinfeld
Now I'm a huge 30 Rock and The Office fan, but I've never seen arrested development but hear nothing but praise. BUT, better than Seinfeld? Come on now. George Castanza is just about the best television character in history, ain't no one topping him

I used to think that until Curb Your Enthusiasm and Larry David made Seinfeld and George almost unwatchable.

It's hard for me to call at this point, but the fact that AD got canceled before it got stale makes it pretty hard to beat.
Originally Posted by DJ236

[h3]Re: Arrested Development Appreciation Vol. > 30 Rock or The Office[/h3]

The Office>>>>>>

The reason why its not true, because even thought AD got canceled early I think the plays into why its so much better, It never got old and was always fresh,The Office has fallen off,I love the Office but some of the episodes from last season where just awful and ridiculous, like Michael driving into the lake orwhen he was out in the Wilderness, this is suppose to be a documentary about working in an Office, It has gotten better with them actually staying in theoffice, but you can't argue that it has had a lot of poor episodes.
Arrested Development has the sharpest, most self referential writing of all time. The more you watch, the funnier it gets. It works terribly on a network likeFOX, where viewers might tune in one week and not the next, but for true fans of the show the hilarity is nearly unmatchable. I think there were maybe 2 badepisodes ever of AD (one being Save Our Bluths, which was intentionally ridiculous).

People calling The Office better than AD have either A) never watched AD, or B) only watched it once or twice and never fully appreciated it. The Office is adecent show, but nowhere on the level of AD. It has funny moments, but usually they are standalone jokes. AD never jokes, it creates funny situations and hasfunny characters. I strongly agree that The Office was better before they started leaving the actual office. Season 2 of The Office comes very close to AD. Itis not really similar to Always Sunny, but I enjoy that show as well. The comedy style isn't identical, but both rely on character interaction to drive thehumor.
rewatching from the beginning, the jokes start there. for those on the fence and for those that havent watched ever, start with the link i gave yall and startthere.

"youre doing time.
I'm doing the time of my life.
whats up pumpkin
heyyy. t-bone. ehhh. T-bones my roommate (whispers to michael: He's a flamer)"

so damn witty.. it only gets better
Arrested Development is one of the funniest shows I've ever seen.

Ive probably seen every episode at least 10 times, and it's still hysterical.

I love the Office as well, and it's one of my favorite shows out right now, but AD is better, the writing is more clever, the jokes build on each other,the characters are more complex and developed.
My favorite moment with Tobias was when he was trying to work with the blue man group and then got ran over by that car and when they were waiting to hear ifhe was ok at the hospital, Michael was talking about how good of a man Tobias and how he was just talking to him and his wife asked what was his last wordsand they flashed back to him saying "I just "blue" my self"

I also was just watching the episode when Barry Zukecor (sp?), the family attorney, was talking to Michael how good he was with divorce cases and how he gotMichael out of his, even though his wife died, and was like " oh really I was taking credit for it for years."
If I may, let me take off my assistant's skirt and put on my Barbra Streisand in The Prince of Tides %@!-masking therapist pantsuit.
Originally Posted by Verdykt

Micheal " Gob I want the seaward gone"

Lucille "Ill leave when i'm good and ready"
hahaha that stupid boat!

Lucille: "I love all my children equally"
*earlier that day*
Lucille: "I don't care for Gob..."
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