Article about Akon...what a surprise...fabricated street cred?

i don't believe none of these artists did even close to what they say they did...NONE.

I just listen to the music for what it is...
this isnt big news to me, but i will say this ... if jeezy and rick ross didnt mover or dont currently move numerous keys of cocaine, i will be pissed off ...... ... lol
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

this isnt big news to me, but i will say this ... if jeezy and rick ross didnt mover or dont currently move numerous keys of cocaine, i will be pissed off ... ... ... lol

lol then i guess you're not gonna be in a very good mood
I'm not understanding how dudes think this is cool. We all know rappers exaggerate a little bit, but to tell a flat out lie is just dishonorable, shotout to Hillary Clinton. Like why lie?? Dudes out there is frauds, and you dudes are no better by just accepting it. Like to me, I don't care how good arapper is, if he is a fraud, then he's a fraud, and if you like a fraud, then that makes you one as well. That's why the streets are in such bad shapethese days, everybody just lies and creates these fake images of themselves just to try and fit in, SMH. I wouldn't even be cool with someone that worefake J's.
some of you guys are really hateful

while i dont agree with fabricating stories in order to appeal more...

he makes good music...he has a unique a dope producer...and a great writer.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Your favorite rapper doesn't sell white. Its all fabricated.
Everyone is different....yeah, it's all exaggerated...but some people really live(d) some of what they say. Ala Freck.

Isn't Freck locked up right now lol? That's my whole point. If you a rapper in the game right now with a hit single ain't no way yousellin' white. No way. They got police divisions dedicated to these cats lol. I refuse to believe an artist would be that dumb to rap about how much whitehe sold when he really does sell it. I admit I always heard Freck rap about sellin' white but I thought he was lyin' lol. Just exaggeratin' likemost cats. Now he's locked up. I'd like to think if the Clipse, Fat Joe, Jeezy and Rick Ross are as heavy in the dope game like they say they arethey'd be servin' life sentences right now lol.

I'm not understanding how dudes think this is cool. We all know rappers exaggerate a little bit, but to tell a flat out lie is just dishonorable, shot out to Hillary Clinton. Like why lie?? Dudes out there is frauds, and you dudes are no better by just accepting it. Like to me, I don't care how good a rapper is, if he is a fraud, then he's a fraud, and if you like a fraud, then that makes you one as well. That's why the streets are in such bad shape these days, everybody just lies and creates these fake images of themselves just to try and fit in, SMH. I wouldn't even be cool with someone that wore fake J's.

Who says it was cool? I think what dudes are sayin' is who cares? IMO, if you worried about what another man did in his personal life that's feminine.That's an attribute a female has. Worryin' about what someone else did in their own personal life. I bump music for just that. Music. Not because Ithink he's a criminal or because he sold white. And you know its not even that serious. He lied about doin' a big time bid. He exaggerated just likeevery other rapper in the game does including our favorite rapper Jay-Z. And he's not even a rapper lol. He's on that singin' *$%. I guess itsounds like i'm tryin' to justify lying to the public but that's not it. I just don't see the big deal behind this. Akon has done more good forblacks than 99% of the people in the music industry. That's enough for me to respect what dude has done in his life.
Who says it was cool? I think what dudes are sayin' is who cares? IMO, if you worried about what another man did in his personal life that's feminine. That's an attribute a female has. Worryin' about what someone else did in their own personal life. I bump music for just that. Music. Not because I think he's a criminal or because he sold white. And you know its not even that serious. He lied about doin' a big time bid. He exaggerated just like every other rapper in the game does including our favorite rapper Jay-Z. And he's not even a rapper lol. He's on that singin' *$%. I guess it sounds like i'm tryin' to justify lying to the public but that's not it. I just don't see the big deal behind this. Akon has done more good for blacks than 99% of the people in the music industry. That's enough for me to respect what dude has done in his life.

Nah champ you got it twisted, once a fraud.....ALWAYS A FRAUD. I mean seriously, dude said he spent time in jail on a bid and never in step foot into jail. Imean take the music aside for a moment cause whether he makes good music or not is somewhat irrelevant right now. My question is, why lie in the first place?? There's no telling what else dude or anybody like him would lie about. It just sad and pathetic all wrapped up into one. Also, you can save thatfeminine talk, cause either way a real man would call somebody out for that fake %%%!, which is what Akon apparently is all about. Again, as I stated earlier,that's the problem nowadays, too much fake %%%!, from people wearing fake J's to dudes frontin like Akon, I just cant get down with it. If you dudeslike it, more power to you I guess.
[Coming out of another question, Akon speaks on dealers...]
To me the drug game got to be the worst hustle ever invented. I ain't gonna lie, I probably did move few pounds of weed but if it hadn't been for that I would have never ever touched drugs. You can't trust the people you goin to bed with; as far as doing business it's like its too much risk. First you got to drive and transport that %@@% from one place to the next, if you get caught you doing like a hundred thousand years...and once you do get there then you got to worry about the dude might want to stick you up and take the %@@% from you! And it ain't really that much money in it. You gonna make pro'lly no more than four, five thousand dollars off one brick. You can't sell it for more than $25,000 that's waaay too much cause now you got cats that'll sell it for 18 and it's like: where your profit be comin in that?

Unless you're at a level where you don't have to touch it yourself.
You got to be Pablo Escobar to get to that point! I mean think about it, that %@@% don't make no sense. So to me the drug game was always the worst hustle, I'd rob a bank before I do that. Think about it, I'm not gonna do 25 to life to rob a bank. But if you gonna do time I'd rather do federal time cause that's more comfortable. You got cable, you got like telephones, you can get phone calls! Me, when I was hustling I was always doing' the kinda crimes where you can get a lotta, lotta money for the least time done as possible. My run? I made sooo much money. I get caught in the car? Aight cool, they lock me up for joyriding. It's a misdemeanor, so what?

So you got knocked while you were driving?
Oh, a couple times. Like my whole time I was hustling I got caught about five times driving. In Jersey they were already hip to the car %@@% so they would lock you up, put your car in a garage and take it to pieces, like search for every part where it's supposed to be a VIN # and break it down. See, in Georgia they really wasn't up to that, they just check the dash. If it match up when they run it through the DMV, they let you go. So I was here for good, doingg big! +!*#!# thought I was the +%$*%*% prince of Africa. They ask me, I be like 'Yeah I'm a prince.' (laughs) they believe it, they come to the crib, see the big house, two or three Lamborghinis, they be like 'Goddamn he ain't lyin!' In actuality, all them %!%@% was hot.

BugsyMF wrote:
Akon, 35

this is more shocking that anything else i could've sworn dudewas like 28 or so ..... pretty much expect most of rap music seems to be about 85% embellishment 15% truth hell all good stories are like that
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

rick ross didnt mover or dont currently move numerous keys of cocaine, i will be pissed off ... ... ... lol
umm .. i thought rick ross persona is based on freeway ricky ross, and that the actual rapper is just an overly cocky average dude rapping formfreeway's experience and not his own ... kinda like ur favorite movie based true events
Who cares?

If you feel a certain way about a rapper/singer lying on records, then you probably need to find a better hobby.

He makes music....he gets paid.

Anything he did before is irrelevant, he gets bank for making catchy annoying music.
Honesty & Integrity isn't something valued on NT . . . Surprise surprise

He's prolly not even African
. . . Its crazy he's 35, that makes the lil girl situation a lil more disgusting . . .
I remember T-Pain on a radio interview one time talking about how he met Akon in prison. I wonder if that was in the Dekalb county jail or If Akon told him tosay it.
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