As if you needed another reason to be suspicious of fast food

Taco Bell explained that the photo was for an "internal contest in which company and franchise employees could submit for approval photos of themselves enjoying their first bite of" a new product. The shells, according to Taco Bell, were in the process of being thrown out.

Sure. :lol:

I don't understand why anyone would go to Taco Hell. Real Mexican food/ taco truck food is the same price and way better.

That being said, I've worked at some "classier" places and seen way worse than this. So meh. Masty people will do nasty things.
Doubt we can die from his germs... meh... now if hes wiping feces on tacos then holla at me..
i dont eat fast food or am advocating anyone too, but anyone think this pic may be old/a joke?  is that the Sherminator?  deleted scene (i'm joking) from American Pie instead of the pie, him eating the taco
That being said, I've worked at some "classier" places and seen way worse than this. So meh. Masty people will do nasty things.
This right here!

sure fast food is disgusting, but unless you handle your own food then theres always that chance 
Will never eat taco bell again. Wait, stopped eating there years ago.
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totally makes it ok
Not that it makes it okay, but nasty things happen to peoples food. I'm guessing we've all eaten a luge/feces burger, who knows. It's nasty but there's no to much regulation in fast food places. People smashing in freezers, dropped food being placed back on food, sick people going to work because no benefits, people not properly cleaning themselves when dealing with food. The list goes on, I really don't eat fast food, because I know its not something humans should consume often, but what do you expect from a mainstream food chain that only favors efficiency and profit?, undesired people are the only people that want to work there/ they cant work anywhere else. I understand that jacob fixing my burger/pizza isn't an OCD bacteria freak like I... I wish people would respect others immune systems, but many people just give no dambs in that industry. therefore "MEH" Risk/Reward eating at Taco Bell/ McD's/Wendy's/Jack-N-The-Box/
nothing we can do bout it . . . whether it's a hot dog from the gas station or a three course meal from a 5 star restaurant, you really can't taste saliva, boogers, salty snot lougies, wee wee sweat, eyeball juice, dandruff, armpit hairs, booty dust . . . oh well
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I love how Taco Bell got on facebook and straight lied about the picture.

"Oh, it's probably a prank and no one was served the food." You know that's not true at all.

Damn right it's not a prank. The only place this doesn't happen is busy places.
word . . . if you dont get alot of traffic, ****** get bored and start doing dumb **** . . . for a place that's always busy, nobody has time for that ****

anyways . . . it's hard to eat taco bell's taco's anyways because of the meat . . . this was the nail in the coffin . . . i wish i could find a good mexican food place around me
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