As we come up on the 5 month release of this album...where does it stand with you?


Aug 31, 2011

I was never really a fan of this album. The Warm Up and Friday Night Lights were alright...

But especially after some lack-luster features after the album was released including Beyonce's Party I kinda felt that this guy may never deliver. 

There were some cuts on there that I really liked such as Nobody's Perfect, Can't Get Enough, and In the Morning...Work Out and Who Dat were wack to me...especially as singles.
i didn't even know it came out, i'm out the loop. never heard of him. i can't explain it. listening to Nobody's Perfect on utube. then the others
I felt like it was a solid first effort, definitely wasn't disappointed. However, I feel like FNL, a mixtape, was better
i listened to like half of it then deleted it. I don't know what it is, I don't dislike J. Cole, I just wasn't interested...
I liked it, and I'm not a huge Cole fan either. I didn't like FNL too much, but 'Enchanted' is probably the greatest rap song in the past 10 years. I love that song..
Very solid to very very good. Lost it's replay value with me a bit but as far as debuts go it's one of the best the past few years in hip hop.
I liked it..........I bumped "cant get enough" until it came out on the radio.

Its a cool lil album........more listenable than the carter (whatever number its on now)
Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

Im a Cole fanboy and waited a long time for this album but tell you the truth...I'm not really feeling it
...maybe the more I listen I'll like it but right now its just average. I was looking more for the straight spittin heat Cole...not the song for the females type was a couple tracks that he went in on though...

The Warm Up>>>Anything Cole has every put out

But Im happy to see him making sales and having this many fans...

From what I said in the other thread...I was really expecting Cole to drop something special...something that was gonna be straight heat...maybe I set the bar to high for him
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Very solid to very very good. Lost it's replay value with me a bit but as far as debuts go it's one of the best the past few years in hip hop.

Never understood why the album got so much hate on NT. I really enjoyed it. Still listen to a few tracks every now and again. Very solid debut.
Never got tired of it. It's still in my rotation since day 1.
Album still gets a lot of plays from me... I like how he was able to go a little more mainstream, but still stay true. After a long time coming I feel like he delivered with this project.

Warm Up is still my favorite work from him though.
It was a solid effort, though probably lowered cause of the massive hype people put it through. People (even Cole himself)
were crowning it as the next Illmatic, but when it came out, it was just a pretty good album. "Nobody's Perfect" is the only
song I've been playing since it came out though.
I liked him when he first dropped tracks here& there but then all his songs started sounding the same to me. His debut sounded like one large commercial for bud light, chrysler, or burger king...I hope Jay doesn't ruin Krit's & Jay Elec's debut like this (even though both are much better artists)....
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