Asian girl pole dancing vol. Wow

Originally Posted by 2SeatPort

wawaweewa wrote:
Name I Koop wrote:
wawaweewa wrote:

NT's obsession with Asian chicks. 
  Are you qwier?

You interested? 

But yo. Dudes obsessed with Asian chicks go hard in promoting them. 

I prefer my women to not have the bodies of adolescent dudes. 

I think you're overlooking the fact that probably 70% of NT is Asian or Filipino.

* fixed
filipino = asian
Originally Posted by 2SeatPort

wawaweewa wrote:
Name I Koop wrote:
wawaweewa wrote:

NT's obsession with Asian chicks. 
  Are you qwier?

You interested? 

But yo. Dudes obsessed with Asian chicks go hard in promoting them. 

I prefer my women to not have the bodies of adolescent dudes. 

I think you're overlooking the fact that probably 70% of NT is Asian or Filipino.

* fixed
filipino = asian
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by kilojules64

If any of you guys ever bags (
) ask her where she got this bathing suit from:

Ok ok ok, we get it. You're a chick. Ok... ok...

Back on topic:

Chick is nice. I like how her hair falls down her back like that... I have a thing for pretty hair... Any chick I deal with HAS to have pretty hair...

Am I annoying you
that's like me going into threads saying "okokok I get it, you guys like boobs and pink tacos"
Who caressssss?
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by kilojules64

If any of you guys ever bags (
) ask her where she got this bathing suit from:

Ok ok ok, we get it. You're a chick. Ok... ok...

Back on topic:

Chick is nice. I like how her hair falls down her back like that... I have a thing for pretty hair... Any chick I deal with HAS to have pretty hair...

Am I annoying you
that's like me going into threads saying "okokok I get it, you guys like boobs and pink tacos"
Who caressssss?
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by kilojules64

If any of you guys ever bags (
) ask her where she got this bathing suit from:

Ok ok ok, we get it. You're a chick. Ok... ok...

Back on topic:

Chick is nice. I like how her hair falls down her back like that... I have a thing for pretty hair... Any chick I deal with HAS to have pretty hair...

Am I annoying you
that's like me going into threads saying "okokok I get it, you guys like boobs and pink tacos"
Who caressssss?

Naw, I just recognize your type real easy...

Spoiler [+]
No, I will not entertain "
Ok, so what's my type, genius?!"

Checks and balances...
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by kilojules64

If any of you guys ever bags (
) ask her where she got this bathing suit from:

Ok ok ok, we get it. You're a chick. Ok... ok...

Back on topic:

Chick is nice. I like how her hair falls down her back like that... I have a thing for pretty hair... Any chick I deal with HAS to have pretty hair...

Am I annoying you
that's like me going into threads saying "okokok I get it, you guys like boobs and pink tacos"
Who caressssss?

Naw, I just recognize your type real easy...

Spoiler [+]
No, I will not entertain "
Ok, so what's my type, genius?!"

Checks and balances...
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Naw, I just recognize your type real easy...

Checks and balances...

I'd be lying if I said I could think of anything checks and balances could possibly mean in this situation

But oh well, I just post about things I think are amusing, or things that I know. And I happen to know about being a female pretty well by now

edit: idk how to do a spoiler but if I did I would make one that said "i'm not trying to start an argument idk where you got the impression that i'd respond like an angry feminist, i just was wondering why it was a big deal" : p
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Naw, I just recognize your type real easy...

Checks and balances...

I'd be lying if I said I could think of anything checks and balances could possibly mean in this situation

But oh well, I just post about things I think are amusing, or things that I know. And I happen to know about being a female pretty well by now

edit: idk how to do a spoiler but if I did I would make one that said "i'm not trying to start an argument idk where you got the impression that i'd respond like an angry feminist, i just was wondering why it was a big deal" : p
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Naw, I just recognize your type real easy...

Checks and balances...

I'd be lying if I said I could think of anything checks and balances could possibly mean in this situation

But oh well, I just post about things I think are amusing, or things that I know. And I happen to know about being a female pretty well by now

edit: idk how to do a spoiler but if I did I would make one that said "i'm not trying to start an argument idk where you got the impression that i'd respond like an angry feminist, i just was wondering why it was a big deal" : p

Love you baby girl.
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Naw, I just recognize your type real easy...

Checks and balances...

I'd be lying if I said I could think of anything checks and balances could possibly mean in this situation

But oh well, I just post about things I think are amusing, or things that I know. And I happen to know about being a female pretty well by now

edit: idk how to do a spoiler but if I did I would make one that said "i'm not trying to start an argument idk where you got the impression that i'd respond like an angry feminist, i just was wondering why it was a big deal" : p

Love you baby girl.
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