Ask A Hedge Fund Fraud

 dude thinks hes talking to 14 year olds on NT and can fool us by his speaking to grown men here b get outta here with that, post some tangible evidence of your "lifestyle" 
Dude has mental issues. Seriously.

Congrats on the Porsche. A high-mileage 06 can be purchased on a corner lot for $35k. You could afford that car working at UPS as a delivery driver.

Getting placements on these broadcasts is no more complicated than simply paying a sponsorship fee. It's all smoke and mirrors.
last I heard you had over 7 bank accounts and were performing multimillion dollar transactions on a daily basis and all you have to show for it is a dusty porsche and a feature on "news channel 8"? Lets see your crib, a bank receipt, or any of the other whips you claim to have (like the aventador
)...dude has been ghost yet again from this thread when asked to provide evidence of his news feature

you think he'd learn after from the events of this thread to humble up and act his wage 
So what did I miss here? Who's the lair and what's the lie? ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
GOLD ST CAPITAL had dudes fooled for a while with all this wealth talk and advice. Turns out his a valet or works with exotic rentals. I remember another thread someone called him out and dudes banded together for dude. He was convincing but got exposed.

Then turns to expose Superb and his v6 chally(>>da hemi).. Dude posted his bank account with USAA with some crazy number. Dude called out everyone including Meth. Proved to be a photoshop. He's just a all round clown from what I've seen of him in the Car thread. Moissanite diamonds>> :smokin

Back to the return of Gold St. :nerd:
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Did you ever get that Rolls that you special ordered?
They saw that this clown wears the same brown shoes every day for miles and miles and miles and rejected his order. They aren't gonna have struggle footwear dirtying up their custom carpet and upholstery. 
Funny thing is, this pathetic liar ghosts from the thread after getting exposed. Gone fore months and months from the thread. THen, someone bumps it, laughing at him....and he replies within an hour? This cat is weird as hell.
wow... I've spent the past couple hours reading through this entire thread, and his stunting thread. This has been one of the greatest things I've read on a forum and I applaud everyone involved in this.
I was really pulling for this dude to come through a few months later with pics of the completed phantom. My popcorn was ready.

I want to believe it but something's telling me it's sketch. Trading penny stocks at 11 yrs old? Don't you have to be 18 to trade? 72 milli? What was this guy trading? Sounds fishy.
You could trade at any age prob just had an account in his parents name but the lack of a p&l posted and specific details on trades has me weary as **** dude is probably running a Ponzi scheme

If you don't post a p&l I don't believe u simple as that successful traders are supposed to show them off its good for their brand
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Dude has mental issues. Seriously.

Congrats on the Porsche. A high-mileage 06 can be purchased on a corner lot for $35k. You could afford that car working at UPS as a delivery driver.

Getting placements on these broadcasts is no more complicated than simply paying a sponsorship fee. It's all smoke and mirrors.
GOLD ST CAPITAL had dudes fooled for a while with all this wealth talk and advice. Turns out his a valet or works with exotic rentals. I remember another thread someone called him out and dudes banded together for dude. He was convincing but got exposed.

Then turns to expose Superb and his v6 chally(>>da hemi).. Dude posted his bank account with USAA with some crazy number. Dude called out everyone including Meth. Proved to be a photoshop. He's just a all round clown from what I've seen of him in the Car thread. Moissanite diamonds>>

Back to the return of Gold St.
What in the heck are you talking about??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/

Nobody exposed me. nothing was proved to be a photoshop. I dont even know how to use photoshop

me and @Jman23  exposed gold street capital... dude got caught slipping up., We found out his so could office building high rise is a virtual office were you can rent out rooms, found out dude  resume, mom name and address and all the slacking jobs he had.... Its a lot more to it. His boy the sneaker dude on here who have the store, backed out on gold street

Gold street is a fraud...The car is not his, dude have nothing.


People were hinting at dude working at a exotic dealership.. Dude had a pic outside of a car  he posted her. Me and jay, we saw a business in the pic background which we found out the address of it from doing a search , then we did a 10 mile radius search for exotic delearships, come to find out there was a exotic dealership within 4 miles from where the picture was taken at LMAO


Every picture he was in, dude had the same old dirty brown shoes on like he was tracking down 8 mile and back for months  hahahaha


Then he takes pics of his high rise office building talking about he just paid  for it, come to found out it was a virtual office, which is where one can rent out rooms of a building

Me and jay still have some more exposed items  that was never released
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