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Originally Posted by SinnerP

For warming-up... static or dynamic stretching?

Self Myo-fasical release (foam rolling) to eliminate adhesions within the muscle fiber (make your body function more properly) then dynamic stretching so your body will follow correct muscular pathways. If you don't foam roll you will just continue to build upon incorrect muscular pathways and possibly make current dysfunctions worse. 

If you haven't implemented a foam rolling routine before you workout you are doing yourself a big disservice.

Your daily pre workout warm up should look something like this, it will only take 5 mins. Only takes about 30 seconds on each muscle group.

Foam Roll (This is going to hurt badly due to poor tissue quality)

-IT Band

-TFL (Tensor fasciae latae)






Dynamic Stretching  (I'll post examples when I have more time)


-Ankle Mobility stretch 1x10 each side

-Hip Flexor mobility 1x10 each side

-Thoracic Spine rotations 1x10 each side

-Alternate Lunge walk 1x10 each side

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

I want the perfect phsyique but dont want to put in the hard work to get it. What supplements do you recommend?

Testosterone Propionate 100mg every other day
Anavar and/or Winstrol stack
Originally Posted by MonopolyMan630

Trying to get into law enforcement. Beginner runner a month ago. Ran 6 miles non stop this week. Any advice to improve my running?

Switch up your running routine.

Day 1- Run 1 to 2 miles at your fastest pace

Day 2- Jog at a moderate pace for distance (5-6+ mi)

Day 3- Repeat Day one

Day 5- Rest

Day 6- Distance jog (5-6+ mi)

Day 7- Rest

Also experiment with things other than running such as circuit training.

Originally Posted by JPZx

What's the fine line between trying to bulk up but also running to be on the treadmill consistently? Not that they necessarily HURT one another, but don't they contradict one another if you run too much?

HIIT with running, usually about 5-6 cycles after a workout when glycogen levels are depleted also. Again, implement circuit training or even tabata method (4-5 exercises of anything 20 sec working set 10 sec rest, repeat 10-20 times)

Unfortunately one is always going to take away from the other but from what I'm reading your main concern is bulking up so follow the above advice.
Im a skinny @!# dude tryna bulk up to play ball for college is protein shakes a necessety to get bigger? Im not talking about body builder bigger but like a normal fit dude
Is it possible to put significant mass on legs?

I'm 6'4 and about 200. I'm happy with my upper body, but my legs have always been long and skinny. Have never really been able to put weight on them. I squat up to 6x255 currently and deadlift around 5x315. Should I just keep moving up in weight, or is it just a matter of leg muscles being too long to "look big?"

I just hate the fact that I look like I neglect my legs even though I have a pretty balanced workout program.
Was good with the proper eating?
I have a beer belly and want to lose it.
I cut off some pork and beef. Eating Fish and Chicken.
Basically how to lose weight?\Want to lose 15-20 pounds
what do you recommend to bounce back from shoulder impingement? 
ive been dealing with it for about 5 months and lost a bunch of lean mass, any overhead or press gives me problems
had an MRI, showed a ton of inflammation and slight tear in my labrum 

any help would be great
Originally Posted by suge67

are PE exercises the real deal? talking bout jelqing, etc.


even funnier than i know what you're talking about. shrugs
What are the most effectives stretches or exercises to fix these small muscular dysfunctions, specifically anterior pelvic tilts and shoulder dysfunctions?

Foam rolling has definitely helped me, but I'd like to take it one step further. Thanks man.
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Is it possible to put significant mass on legs?

I'm 6'4 and about 200. I'm happy with my upper body, but my legs have always been long and skinny. Have never really been able to put weight on them. I squat up to 6x255 currently and deadlift around 5x315. Should I just keep moving up in weight, or is it just a matter of leg muscles being too long to "look big?"

I just hate the fact that I look like I neglect my legs even though I have a pretty balanced workout program.
I'm 6'2 and 200. I get a lot of compliments on my physique but I put a lot of work on my legs too. So frustrating...I feel your pain.
@op If its been asked pardon me but are doing pushups everyday and bi's/tri's twice a week too much?
I want to put on 15 pounds of lean muscle while maintaining my current body fat % which is around 7-8%. I take AllMax's QuickMass everyday and workout like twice a week (busy with school at this time). What do you recommend? 
This question might be more appropriate for a dietician, but...Within the last 3-4 months, I've been feeling really groggy and lack energy...Could this be due to consuming coffee daily?

I went from 200 ---> 175 in 6 weeks last year. I lack motivation now to maintain this lifestyle (I still go exercise 2x a week, but it's nothing). How does one stay encouraged?

My dieting has been "meh" nowadays...Tips?
- what exercises workout the taint.

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