At what age did you stop growing?

probably 8th grade i swear
I remember being the same height as all my friends then when we got to high school they all got over 6 ft tall while I stayedat 5'8.
I swear I stopped at middle school. I was doin an inch each year. I'm turnin 17 next month. Haven't got the magical growth spurt yet

Filipino height genetics ftl
stopped around 9-10th grade.


growing up, people always used to say that i was tall now they say im short lol.

i always thought i was average.

what the hell is the average?
when i went to ther doctor at age 10 i was 5'8'' and my doc told me i would only get to 5'10'' and thas it. at age 13 i was6'5" and my new doc said i would prob hit 7 feet. i havent grown since i was 13 and i am now 24.

PS: to the OP, try getting some height max or suttin dude. no joke intended
I'm 6'4 and done growing. I remember coming into high school I was 6'2-6'3. I'm 25 now so I've got only little growth since then.
im turning 17 in a week and im about 5 8. I would like to be 6 foot when im all done growing
lol 15 yrs old was it for me, im 30 yrs old.

im only 5'6 , dont sleep i get it in on the court though.

Any queens heads lets play some ball pm me.
5'11-18 years old...still growing also!

Supposly when yur around the age of 23-25, thats when you officially stop growing..correct me if im wrong..
People keep saying I got taller since the last time they saw me in college......i was 6ft3 for a minute i think i grew an inch extra at 22.
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