At what point would life not be "worth it" to you anymore?

Jan 5, 2013
Sorry for the morbid thread, I'm just curious about these kinds of things. Let me preface by saying that I work near a hospital, so I see a wide array of people on a daily basis, a lot of them sick, old, etc. I often ask myself what it is that keeps them fighting? What would it take for you to reach the point where you're just ready to clock out for good? Doesn't have to do solely with health, it could be any life event.
No, this is a good question.

I always personally thought that assisted death should be legal. If I had a major disease or affliction (no good chances of recovery), I'd much rather die, tbh. At that point, my own religion and what it espouses wouldn't matter to me.
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i often think about this when i have those down days to make me realize i have it good.

But i think that suicide, for me, would become an option once i have some form of paralysis or lose my eye sight or the ability to get it up. The simple things. 
I don't know man, don't necessarily believe in afterlife to much so I'm not to keen on leaving this plane to soon.
Gas goes past $5 a gallon

All chic fil a & in n outs closes


Just a few things at the moment.
Wouldn't ever take my own life but I tell my wife all the time that I don't want to live to be so old where I need to helped up and down steps or in and out of cars. Just take me out back like Old Yeller
I will most likely be applying for euthanasia when I'm older.
I already feel that my life has been ruined by my medical conditions and I'm 21.
If you would ask me why I continue staying strong I would say it's for my friends and family who care about me. If I didn't have friends or family I would certainly commit suicide.
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No this is a legit question

Like say I was told I'll never walk again from my accident
F a lawsuit I woulda made a will for my sister and had a suicide note ready for her down the road.

Also I don't know how people are ok with living avg. If im gonna be average my kids are gonna be everything and I hope they prosper better than their dad.

If my health sucks and I'm alone with no offspring I'm wasting Earth resources someone else can have.
What are you suffering from colombia if you dont mind posting?
A multitude of things.
2 years ago I almost died due to a very rare lung defect called intralobary pulmonary sequestration. I happened to be an extremely complex case and half of my right lung needed to be removed. I'm in the small percentage of those whose lungs don't recover back to a 100% lung capacity. Still struggling at 55% 2 years later. It's actually not as bad as it sounds.
A few months later I started getting leg pain that wouldn't go away. It progressively got worse. The pain has been at a stable level for about a year now. Every second of the day both my lower legs feel like they're being crushed and blowtorched at the same time. I can't do anything without being in terrible pain. I've been begging for stronger painkillers but doctors are reluctant due to my age. I've been prescribed the maximum dosage of Tramadol for a year now, the next steps up the painkiller ladder are Oxycontin, Morphine, ...
I also can't do much strenuous activity anymore. That started about 8 months ago.
A few months ago I lost the ability to ride my bicycle, one of my favorite hobbies. My legs completely cramp up after like 10 seconds on the bicycle. Now my legs even cramp up after walking up a set of stairs. I can't even stay in the shower too long before my legs cramp up.
I can't drive due to very bad depth perception, I can't ride my bicycle anymore, even walking is becoming hard.
I also suffer from insomnia. Been a terrible sleeper since I was born but it started interfering with my daily functioning when I was 18. Loss of concentration, holes in my memory, couldn't account my activities for hours at times, ...
I'm prescribed 30mg of mirtazapine and 2 tabs of Zopiclone 7,5mg per day to sleep.

The worst part is that I don't even know what's causing all this. No doctor has been able to figure it out but an elite team of specialists is handling my case now.
I tested 75 times the normal count of a muscle degenerative substance in my blood.
Still waiting on further muscle biopsy results atm.
They don't have a diagnosis yet but they're looking at muscle diseases, all of which are uncurable and progressively get worse over time.
My life is already ruined and it can only get worse.

I try to make the best of it. I have a strong lack of empathy, especially towards myself so I rarely get emotional. It allows me to keep a realistic outlook on my life without too much emotion involved. I'm generally a fairly happy person actually and if you don't know of my conditions you wouldn't be able to tell.
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If I was unable to think for myself. Like not remembering things for longer than a day. I'd probably have to write that up as a living will so that if it happens and i cant think to do it for myself then someone can have it done for me.
I watched the ending of Childhood's End last night and dude woke up to find out he was the last human being alive. He gave up.

I realized given the options he had I wouldn't. So I'm not sure there is any point for me.
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I will most likely be applying for euthanasia when I'm older.
I already feel that my life has been ruined by my medical conditions and I'm 21.
If you would ask me why I continue staying strong I would say it's for my friends and family who care about me. If I didn't have friends or family I would certainly commit suicide.

I agree

I saw people in rehab who never had visitors least I had a lot and NT family I consider you guys friends sounds corny but yea.
If I got cancer that was terminal, if it kept coming back id do it to.

If I was paralyzed.

Severe mental disorder or brain damage.

I'm not against suicide, if you feel it's necessary and you're not leaving behind kids with no where to go then go ahead.
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