Atheist, could you marry someone who believes in god?

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

That's where we disagree. My non-belief doesnt affect my life. I dont ask ww(blank)do? You may I don't. When I argue about personal beliefs I dont say well my ___ says this. The only time my non-religion plays a part in my life is when someones religion forces their way in my life but that's not my fault. You may not believe it because god is such a big part of your life but aside from religious debates I dont think about god.

I dont go to eat dinner and go "let me make sure not to pray" or get in the car and say "let me not ask god for a safe trip" I just go and my non belief has nothing to do with my life.

& are you saying hiundus are the only one who believe in reincarnation? Cause I can show other religions that do. and how is that illogical? It's an atheist saying "I dont believe in heaven or hell or an almighty power but I believe we never die and we revolve into something back into this earth"actually reading that theory sounds scientific moreso than religious.

The red contradicts the blue that is what I am trying to say.

The argument has turned into whether not doing something is part of a belief system. I am stating it is, you are stating it isn't.

Again back to semantics. I am not going to tell you your beliefs, I obviously cannot speak on that. What I can say is that you do have them. I am aware youdon't think about GOD, why would you?...You believe there is no GOD, from there the rest is pretty much up to you. Just like Judaism there is GOD, the restis up to you. I know more christians that don't pray than do. I know ,more christians that do not think about GOD, the only difference between them andyou? They believe in him you do not (big difference I know).......

I am guessing you are talking about Lucretius on the NATURE OF THE UNIVERSE, the belief that the world has a set amount of atoms, there will be no more, noless, when you die your atom transfers to something else. Nothing happens no belief system, no GOD, just Atoms. A belief that Will Smith, and Pharrell havespoken on. Totally different than reincarnation.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

That's where we disagree. My non-belief doesnt affect my life. I dont ask ww(blank)do? You may I don't. When I argue about personal beliefs I dont say well my ___ says this. The only time my non-religion plays a part in my life is when someones religion forces their way in my life but that's not my fault. You may not believe it because god is such a big part of your life but aside from religious debates I dont think about god.

I dont go to eat dinner and go "let me make sure not to pray" or get in the car and say "let me not ask god for a safe trip" I just go and my non belief has nothing to do with my life.

& are you saying hiundus are the only one who believe in reincarnation? Cause I can show other religions that do. and how is that illogical? It's an atheist saying "I dont believe in heaven or hell or an almighty power but I believe we never die and we revolve into something back into this earth"actually reading that theory sounds scientific moreso than religious.
QFT. There is no doctrine of non-belief. We just don't think about their being a God. We just live. To us religon is a false product, soit is a product we don't buy. It is selling an invisible item to people. So if we realize an invisible item is actually invisible how would it make it adoctrine. We just is.
Can we please stop talking about God! every day someones post turns into a god thread! If you believe, you believe, if you dont, you dont!
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Can we please stop talking about God! every day someones post turns into a god thread! If you believe, you believe, if you dont, you dont!

I can't speak for anyone else, but I certainly wasn't talking about God.
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Can we please stop talking about God! every day someones post turns into a god thread! If you believe, you believe, if you dont, you dont!

You have the freedom no to enter the post. You choose to.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

not true some atheists believe in reincarnation.

But I digress you're right every body looks at things different even if theyre under the same umbrella. But come on bruh your definition is belief w/o knowledge. I took out the faith part cause that doesn't make sense what does an atheist have faith in? Faith is as real as hope and luck and karma to an atheist. So by your definition belief w/o knowledge is religion. I believe Lebron is going to be the best player of all time when it's all said and done. Do I have facts? no his career isn't over. So that's a belief w/o knowledge but I'm not in a lebron cult. I know you said you weren't gonna get into semantics but your post seems like you just said "Since you dont believe in religion you're acknowledging it therefore you're dismissing of religion is a religion" which confuses me.

I am not talking about religion, I am talking about GOD, the denial of GOD is a religion. You are comparing God to Lebron (not logical)...Lets use FATE?...I believe in it, you don't (for example purposes)....The fact that you believe there is no fate, is a belief in and of itself...You believe there is no God correct?...Does this not affect how you live your life?.....outlook?...Views on certain things?.Foods you eat?.....Friends you have, and friends that will have you?....I would think so...Just because you won't kill someone over it doesn't make it not one. Your construct of religion is a set belief system...I know no such religion where everyone under that tent believes in the same exact things. I am for gay marriage, and abortion. Name one catholic priest who would agree, and not lose his job?

As far as the reincarnation goes, in my previous post I stated the basic beliefs. Some athiest's believing in reincarnation is like an athiest believing in Heaven, and hell. its illogical. Reincarnation is based in Hinduism. Therefore an atheist picking and choosing makes no sense to me, but that is beyond the point.
holy crap your stubborn too

do you know what a religion is? do you know what atheism is? (rhetorical question)

if you do understand both concepts, you would understand atheism is not a religion.

A religion is a set of conducts resulted from tenets (or a belief system) about the ultimate power. It is generally expressed as prayers, rituals, or other practices, often centered upon specific supernatural and moral claims about reality (the cosmos, and human nature) which may yield a set of religious laws. Religion also encompasses ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and religious experience.

Q: Admit it, isn't atheism just another religion?

A: The website gives the following definition of "religion."
    1. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
    2. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
  1. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
  2. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
  3. A cause, a principle, or an activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.
Clearly, definitions 1-3 do not apply to atheists since we reject the notions of supernatural powers and spiritual leaders. Definition 4 could possibly apply to atheists, but then, it could also apply to a bowling league or a Britney Spears fan club. The claim that atheism is a religion is generally made by Christians who have been religious all their lives and thus cannot conceive of anyone not having some kind of religion as an integral part of their lives.

It's instructive to point out that theism is not a religion either. Theism simply has to do with believing in a god, which one can very easily do without engaging in any sort of religious activity-to wit, the practice of worshipping that god. A person who believes a deity or higher power exists, but never in his life sees fit to go to a church or pray or partake in any kind of practice designed to worship or revere that deity, would be theistic, but not religious.

Atheism, which is about not believing in god(s), and theism, which is about believing in god(s), are philosophical or theological points of view, but they are not religions.

you are wrong end it.
I guess my question isn't about the ins and outs of religion or the existence god.

I think if you are an atheist you have no doubt that there isn't a god. There is no doubt that there isn't a higher being. You are the highest lifeform. So understanding your grasp of truth, could you be with someone that you think is fundamentally wrong? Could you be with someone who shies away fromlogic? Could you hear them speak of prayer or hear them mention god and not snicker or roll your eyes? This isn't about what he or she is trying toconvince you to believe in or he or she trying to change you. It's not that deep.

I am asking could you give your wife or husband the same amount of respect they deserve if what you think they hold so dear is insane? Could you kind of forgetthat he or believes is nonsense?

Personally, I couldn't. I don't think I could coexist in the same house knowing that she thinks someone is looking over us. I couldn't lay next toher at night thinking that she may be praying to something that I know doesn't exist. I just couldn't do it. I couldn't ignore that for "thegreater good." I would never date someone ditsy or someone that didn't stimulate me intellectually, why would I marry someone that believes insomething so absent from my thought process? Knowing that she is doing things with a "greater place" in mind would drive me nuts. I couldn't putup with the stupidity of that notion. It's not about being open-minded, it's about fundamental differences in logic.
Yeah. Over time she would stop believing if she was married to me. I just ridicule religion way too much, although subtly, for her to keep believing.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Yes, as long as she's open minded and not a religious extremist.

Never thought I would agree with this guy
To the atheists in here who would be "accepting" of a girl who is "open-minded and not a religious-extremist", don't you think itshould go both ways? Because some of you sound very close-minded and anti-religion-extremist.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

To the atheists in here who would be "accepting" of a girl who is "open-minded and not a religious-extremist", don't you think it should go both ways? Because some of you sound very close-minded and anti-religion-extremist.
Of course! But there is a difference here. She can think of me and know that I am doing nothing with any reverence to anyone other than tangiblebeings. I can't think of her the same way. She is living for someone else. In her head, her acts of kindness are paid off in the end.

-Nice avy by the way! What did you think of Dark End Of The Street? 'bout time she makes originals again I reckon.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

To the atheists in here who would be "accepting" of a girl who is "open-minded and not a religious-extremist", don't you think it should go both ways? Because some of you sound very close-minded and anti-religion-extremist.
Of course! But there is a difference here. She can think of me and know that I am doing nothing with any reverence to anyone other than tangible beings. I can't think of her the same way. She is living for someone else. In her head, her acts of kindness are paid off in the end.

-Nice avy by the way! What did you think of Dark End Of The Street? 'bout time she makes originals again I reckon.

I'm only speaking on behalf of Christianity, and I will only say a few things so this thread doesn't turn a sharp corner to you-know-where

There are two types of Christianity. The organized religion, and the personal relationship/journey. It's not about living life with reverence to anintangible being, nor is it about performing acts of kindness to be paid off in the end. A person isn't a better christian than another if he/she performsmore acts of kindness. It's not a set of rules we must live by to avoid burning in hell. We can all agree that a person who has never heard of ANY religionbefore can judge for themselves what's right and wrong. You know, there are so many different forms of Christianity (the religion), which is why organizedChristianity is almost bullcrap. Christianity isn't religion. Religion sucks.

Dark End Of The Street was pretty good...but there are so many better covers out there. And yes, she needs to make originals.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

To the atheists in here who would be "accepting" of a girl who is "open-minded and not a religious-extremist", don't you think it should go both ways? Because some of you sound very close-minded and anti-religion-extremist.
Yeah sure, but not believing in a religion is not extremist and neither is telling people the truth about what religion really is. That's likesaying that not believing in the easter bunny is extremist. Besides, the 'closed minded' argument is an ad hominem.
I Don't Know What This Post Is About But, I'm A Christian And I Just Started Reading "The God Delusion" For The Hell Of It (pun intended).
^^ Why do you capitalize every word?
I can't believe so many of you are saying yes...I'd never marry an atheist.
I would. My girl and I have had this discussion being taht she believes in God and I don't and it doesn't matter to us. We've also had thediscussion about how we would raise kids if we ever got to that point and I told her as long as she doesn't drill it into their head and allows for them todecide on their own one day then I don't care if she takes them to church, etc.

- Tical.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Yes, as long as she's open minded and not a religious extremist.


The only problem with that is if it conflicts with their parents, and other relatives. Sometimes they can influence your partner's decision, but as long asyour partner is loyal, understanding, & respectful to your beliefs... you're all good.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

To the atheists in here who would be "accepting" of a girl who is "open-minded and not a religious-extremist", don't you think it should go both ways? Because some of you sound very close-minded and anti-religion-extremist.
Originally Posted by roman736

Originally Posted by AJChick23

I'd never marry an atheist.

Why not?

Religion has always been apart of my life. In my community..that's how all my family's friends network and know each other (the church plays a hugerole in the African American not sure about other races.) How can I marry somebody who doesn't believe that we're going to see each otheragain in heaven after we die?

Also what values are we going to teach our kids? What? Let them choose if they want to goto church or not? No... I think it's just asking for trouble.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

To the atheists in here who would be "accepting" of a girl who is "open-minded and not a religious-extremist", don't you think it should go both ways? Because some of you sound very close-minded and anti-religion-extremist.
Of course! But there is a difference here. She can think of me and know that I am doing nothing with any reverence to anyone other than tangible beings. I can't think of her the same way. She is living for someone else. In her head, her acts of kindness are paid off in the end.

-Nice avy by the way! What did you think of Dark End Of The Street? 'bout time she makes originals again I reckon.

I'm only speaking on behalf of Christianity, and I will only say a few things so this thread doesn't turn a sharp corner to you-know-where

There are two types of Christianity. The organized religion, and the personal relationship/journey. It's not about living life with reverence to an intangible being, nor is it about performing acts of kindness to be paid off in the end. A person isn't a better christian than another if he/she performs more acts of kindness. It's not a set of rules we must live by to avoid burning in hell. We can all agree that a person who has never heard of ANY religion before can judge for themselves what's right and wrong. You know, there are so many different forms of Christianity (the religion), which is why organized Christianity is almost bullcrap. Christianity isn't religion. Religion sucks.

Dark End Of The Street was pretty good...but there are so many better covers out there. And yes, she needs to make originals.
I understand what you mean, I do. I guess what I mean is that I couldn't be with someone that acknowledged a god. Like I don't think Icould shake that. To me, it is about the equivalent of how some guys can't get over their girl's past. You can try to forget it, but your mind alwayscomes back to it. I have tried dating the god-fearing. The differences were too glaring....and I am an alright guy.

The way we would deal with a crisis or difficulties were so different. She'd say "well I am gonna pray for guidance and help." It's hardfor me not to say "ok love, you do that. I will actually do something." What we would rely on were too different. "Oh thank you Jesus forthis beautiful day" she'd say. I'd thank the warm front.
Originally Posted by bangtcg

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

not true some atheists believe in reincarnation.

But I digress you're right every body looks at things different even if theyre under the same umbrella. But come on bruh your definition is belief w/o knowledge. I took out the faith part cause that doesn't make sense what does an atheist have faith in? Faith is as real as hope and luck and karma to an atheist. So by your definition belief w/o knowledge is religion. I believe Lebron is going to be the best player of all time when it's all said and done. Do I have facts? no his career isn't over. So that's a belief w/o knowledge but I'm not in a lebron cult. I know you said you weren't gonna get into semantics but your post seems like you just said "Since you dont believe in religion you're acknowledging it therefore you're dismissing of religion is a religion" which confuses me.

I am not talking about religion, I am talking about GOD, the denial of GOD is a religion. You are comparing God to Lebron (not logical)...Lets use FATE?...I believe in it, you don't (for example purposes)....The fact that you believe there is no fate, is a belief in and of itself...You believe there is no God correct?...Does this not affect how you live your life?.....outlook?...Views on certain things?.Foods you eat?.....Friends you have, and friends that will have you?....I would think so...Just because you won't kill someone over it doesn't make it not one. Your construct of religion is a set belief system...I know no such religion where everyone under that tent believes in the same exact things. I am for gay marriage, and abortion. Name one catholic priest who would agree, and not lose his job?

As far as the reincarnation goes, in my previous post I stated the basic beliefs. Some athiest's believing in reincarnation is like an athiest believing in Heaven, and hell. its illogical. Reincarnation is based in Hinduism. Therefore an atheist picking and choosing makes no sense to me, but that is beyond the point.
holy crap your stubborn too

do you know what a religion is? do you know what atheism is? (rhetorical question)

if you do understand both concepts, you would understand atheism is not a religion.

A religion is a set of conducts resulted from tenets (or a belief system) about the ultimate power. It is generally expressed as prayers, rituals, or other practices, often centered upon specific supernatural and moral claims about reality (the cosmos, and human nature) which may yield a set of religious laws. Religion also encompasses ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and religious experience.

Q: Admit it, isn't atheism just another religion?

A: The website gives the following definition of "religion."
    1. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
    2. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
  1. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
  2. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
  3. A cause, a principle, or an activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.
Clearly, definitions 1-3 do not apply to atheists since we reject the notions of supernatural powers and spiritual leaders. Definition 4 could possibly apply to atheists, but then, it could also apply to a bowling league or a Britney Spears fan club. The claim that atheism is a religion is generally made by Christians who have been religious all their lives and thus cannot conceive of anyone not having some kind of religion as an integral part of their lives.

It's instructive to point out that theism is not a religion either. Theism simply has to do with believing in a god, which one can very easily do without engaging in any sort of religious activity-to wit, the practice of worshipping that god. A person who believes a deity or higher power exists, but never in his life sees fit to go to a church or pray or partake in any kind of practice designed to worship or revere that deity, would be theistic, but not religious.

Atheism, which is about not believing in god(s), and theism, which is about believing in god(s), are philosophical or theological points of view, but they are not religions.

you are wrong end it.

well that deads that argument. back to the believers mixing with the non believers
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by bangtcg

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

not true some atheists believe in reincarnation.

But I digress you're right every body looks at things different even if theyre under the same umbrella. But come on bruh your definition is belief w/o knowledge. I took out the faith part cause that doesn't make sense what does an atheist have faith in? Faith is as real as hope and luck and karma to an atheist. So by your definition belief w/o knowledge is religion. I believe Lebron is going to be the best player of all time when it's all said and done. Do I have facts? no his career isn't over. So that's a belief w/o knowledge but I'm not in a lebron cult. I know you said you weren't gonna get into semantics but your post seems like you just said "Since you dont believe in religion you're acknowledging it therefore you're dismissing of religion is a religion" which confuses me.

I am not talking about religion, I am talking about GOD, the denial of GOD is a religion. You are comparing God to Lebron (not logical)...Lets use FATE?...I believe in it, you don't (for example purposes)....The fact that you believe there is no fate, is a belief in and of itself...You believe there is no God correct?...Does this not affect how you live your life?.....outlook?...Views on certain things?.Foods you eat?.....Friends you have, and friends that will have you?....I would think so...Just because you won't kill someone over it doesn't make it not one. Your construct of religion is a set belief system...I know no such religion where everyone under that tent believes in the same exact things. I am for gay marriage, and abortion. Name one catholic priest who would agree, and not lose his job?

As far as the reincarnation goes, in my previous post I stated the basic beliefs. Some athiest's believing in reincarnation is like an athiest believing in Heaven, and hell. its illogical. Reincarnation is based in Hinduism. Therefore an atheist picking and choosing makes no sense to me, but that is beyond the point.
holy crap your stubborn too

do you know what a religion is? do you know what atheism is? (rhetorical question)

if you do understand both concepts, you would understand atheism is not a religion.

A religion is a set of conducts resulted from tenets (or a belief system) about the ultimate power. It is generally expressed as prayers, rituals, or other practices, often centered upon specific supernatural and moral claims about reality (the cosmos, and human nature) which may yield a set of religious laws. Religion also encompasses ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and religious experience.

Q: Admit it, isn't atheism just another religion?

A: The website gives the following definition of "religion."
    1. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
    2. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
  1. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
  2. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
  3. A cause, a principle, or an activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.
Clearly, definitions 1-3 do not apply to atheists since we reject the notions of supernatural powers and spiritual leaders. Definition 4 could possibly apply to atheists, but then, it could also apply to a bowling league or a Britney Spears fan club. The claim that atheism is a religion is generally made by Christians who have been religious all their lives and thus cannot conceive of anyone not having some kind of religion as an integral part of their lives.

It's instructive to point out that theism is not a religion either. Theism simply has to do with believing in a god, which one can very easily do without engaging in any sort of religious activity-to wit, the practice of worshipping that god. A person who believes a deity or higher power exists, but never in his life sees fit to go to a church or pray or partake in any kind of practice designed to worship or revere that deity, would be theistic, but not religious.

Atheism, which is about not believing in god(s), and theism, which is about believing in god(s), are philosophical or theological points of view, but they are not religions.
you are wrong end it.

well that deads that argument. back to the believers mixing with the non believers didn't dead anything
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