Sep 14, 2005
getting your outfits ready. Special guest will include Dallas Austin, Big Boi, Clark Kent, Killa Mike, Polow Da Don, Wish, Prestigious, Walters, Rare Footage, Sole Munki, P. Valentine, Standard, Atowns.com, Laced Up & More.

18 & Up-Tickets are $20 and $30 for Couples

Greg Street says: i thought this would be the ideal way to end the year for all my sneaker frends in the atl & worldwide. if youre not from atlanta, this will be a nice holiday get away. the woodruff art center is a very nice sexy spot and its you & ya girls chance to do something different. dress up and put your favorite sneakers on. dress code is slack, khakis, jeans with sport coats, suites or tuxs and ladies dresses only with sneakers(only pumps allowed are reebox). some nice supprises and surprises. thanks to O and everybody at adidas for their sponsership!

Greg Street says (Part 2): tickets will be sold at the door. dress to impress. the best dressed couple gets a $500 gift certificate to wish. best dressed solo male gets a autograph limited edition (only 200 made) lupe fiasco listen skate board, best dress solo female gets $200 gift card to vs! art will be on display, artist will paint live, open bar, live djs and some big surprises. dont want to tell everything. when you tell everything its to much hype. this is not a hype event. celeberties come because they like the atmosphere & energy. this is about the people who love sneakers & want to do something big for the culture to end the year.

creme de la creme...
top shelf...
Prestigious Atlanta
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