NoScript DOES work well, btw. And yeah, it is the ads. Just forbid googleadservices and you're golden.

But it still sucks that we have to do all of this just to surf a place that has been safe for years.
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

Originally Posted by seniosoul

Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

Ya'll paying for the NOD32?
hell no

Originally Posted by IYE2

Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence


True story.
hell yes
Co-sign - I've got 16714447 days (About 45793 years) left of my fully functional NOD32 "trial" though
you know what.

I've long disabled NT ads. we have had too many problems with spyware and viruses.

I know it's not NT's fault, but a lot of the times, the viruses and spyware install porn stuff on my comp. and I have little kids using my comp.

I have NOD as well, no warnings because of adblock.
same problem. redirt viruses... main reason i stay on my phones browser now. aint no virus gonna attack a sk-lx-09 or iphone
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by aceofjays

*waits for post to get swept under the rug*

Truth. I can't believe this problem STILL hasn't been fixed. How long has it been now?

Everyone cop those NT shirts so we can move the hell away from Yuku.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

It's pretty ridiculous. I am on a Mac so no virus, but probably 2-3 times a week, I'll get redirected from the thread I'm in to the homepage. I cannot wait for the day when NT packs its bags and moves to a different platform.

haha this was happening to me over the holidays and i thought it was me
I still cant believe that some of y'all actually think that a mac is virus free but that is a complete different topic, So im pretty much agreeing with allthe firefox user with this formula.

+ ad-block or no script

a safe time on ANY website (=
I just downloaded Firefox and dl'ed the no script add on
when I put ad block into 'search add-ons' I get back multiple findings
Which one is the one you guys are talking about? Or are they all the same?
Originally Posted by MECKS

same problem. redirt viruses... main reason i stay on my phones browser now. aint no virus gonna attack a sk-lx-09 or iphone
someone said it got there blackberry last year.....
Originally Posted by MECKS

same problem. redirt viruses... main reason i stay on my phones browser now. aint no virus gonna attack a sk-lx-09 or iphone

lmao theres a whole bunch of iphone attacks out there...especially if your phone is jail broken
Originally Posted by Rafool

Originally Posted by MECKS

same problem. redirt viruses... main reason i stay on my phones browser now. aint no virus gonna attack a sk-lx-09 or iphone
someone said it got there blackberry last year.....

damn *stops browsing NT on my BB*
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Protect yourself better online... adblock and noscript with firefox and I've never had a single problem on NT
yeah its a must have at work
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