Audio/Video Help: Connecting Laptop to TV via HDMI or VGA or HDMI/DVI?

Apr 3, 2010
Sup, I'm in need of some help.
I know there's some real audiophiles on here so props to those who choose to read and I ain't mad at those who don't 
 but any relevant advice is appreciated. 


So I'm throwing a party for a friend at my crib and I had the idea of setting up a video-based music playlist from my laptop to our TV but I have a slight connection dilemma.

I have an HP laptop that has an:

  • HDMI Port
  • VGA (15-pin) Port

...and I'd be connecting it to my other roommate's Panasonic Plasma TV (TC-42px24) that has:

  • HDMI (x2)
  • PC Input (Mini D-Sub 15-pin)
  • Analog Audio Input (For HDMI/DVI)

We've streamed before from my laptop to the TV via HDMI but the audio has been "iffy".

We usually had to settle for the audio from the TV because the audio wouldn't play through any other way. I tried switching the settings from my laptop to allow the audio to play through the headphone jacks but it never works.

So I guess my questions ultimately are...

What is the best alternative? VGA cable? Is there an alternative option with the HDMI cable? Is there another connection I can consider?

Again, thanks in advance.
What's wrong with the audio from the HDMI cable?
Did you check your sound settings?

HDMI would be the best way to stream both audio and video.
VGA is old technology and is video only.

If you're still having problems with the audio using HDMI, try using a mini-phone 3.5mm to male RCA cable to connect your laptop to the TV.
If you have HDMI then it should play Audio and video out of what ever your tv does. I hook my laptop (HP) up to my TV all the time to watch movies and I use HDMI. Video plays through the TV (Obviously) and Audio goes through my Surround Sound because I have all TV audio going out of the TV and through the SS.

I dont see why anything else would be a choice. The difference of HD and only having to use one cable should be more than enough for you to realize HDMI is the best choice.

Edit: I guess your post was too long and I didnt read that you were having trouble with it. But You should be able to play with the settings to get audio to stay on the Laptop making it easy for you to plug in speakers to your headphone jack and run your audio that way.
Yea VGA is video only, if the HDMI isnt working well with audio maybe u can try to hook the speakers up via the 3.5mm audio jack
Sorry my post is OD long and not to the point, but yea, I use HDMI all the time but the audio only goes through the TV when I need it to go through my computer.k BTW.

I tried fixing the audio settingd but I could never get the sound from the headphone jack.

I don't need the audio from my TV so wouldn't the VGA work considering I actually WANT to use the audio from my Laptop.

The TV doesn't have a headphone jack BTW
Get a vga cable.

Get a set of good speakers to connect from your laptop 3.5 mm headphone connection to the red and white rca which is the input youll need to connect your speakers.
HDMI. Tweak the sound settings in your HP. There should be some type of program for it. Then check the settings for the input you're on in the TV settings. Otherwise, if all else fails, try a different HDMI cable. Good luck.
I tried switching the audio settings in control panel but it never fixed the problem.

A VGA seems like a good option because it wouldn't take the audio away from my PC.

Do you think the HDMI could be the problem?
That could be. But what I do when I want video to come out of my speakers is start the video or video device that I want to play. Then once audio is already coming out of the laptop plug in your HDMI cord and it should only transfer the Video to the TV and the Audio still comes out of the comp.
I see.

I'll give that a shot, because it worked ONCE before the way I wanted it earlier this month but I could never get it to work how I wanted it to again.

The help's appreciated.
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