** AUGUST 09 PICK-UP THREAD: 5 months left to 2009! how time has passed! (NO PIC QUOTING) **.

NICE lights mayhem,

good stuff 2 everybody else,

This is my stuff from the last 2 weeks...

Managed to exchange a pair of penny IIIs I never wore for the 2009s, and I copped the the DMP 1 pack and Barks (2nd pair) on the 50 last week...
How do i get one of the cris1 stickers? Nice pick up on the Kudi autographed kicks. i say, just "retire" it and stash 'em somewhere.
T21D wrote:
SinnerP wrote:
Mayhemgatz wrote:
Sinner, can get movin'! Its John Hughes second best movie of all time (Ferris #1).

co-sign! they better not even think about remaking either of those movies.......EVER....

The last time I watched Ferris was over 10 years ago... I might have to dig around for that as well...
I'm even tempted to go Blu-Ray on that (but prob won't)...
But The Breakfast Club was very enjoyable...

You might also like Valley Girl- you'll see somebody very familiar there early in his career.

A young Stanley Goodspeed

By the way, Fred, they are remaking Valley Girl in the next year or so. I wonder who will replace Cage.
Director John Hughes Dead at 59

Went to the post office to pick this up. B-day is coming up on the 17th so you'll see more coming


Originally Posted by nadesico86

what site did you get them from?
rmkstore.com i'm hearing its cheaper on kix-files depending on your size.

Originally Posted by Fat Boy 915

Mailman dropped these off today:

$4.50 for the DVD and $4.50 for the iPhone case. Both from eBay.
Suprisingly enough, the $4.50 case is MUCH better than the $35 incase I bought two weeks ago.

Where did you get it for $4.50? Hook it up with the link, I need a new case.
Originally Posted by demonbasketball04

The Wrestler for $4.50 is a steal!!

Thanks. I bought it cause I actually want to see it and heard its a good film. My mom took it out of my room, opened it, and is watching it as I typethis.

Nice pickups everyone. I need some Blue AM1s.
I'm sure I'll take some heat over these. I'll probably never own red laser 4s or Eminem 4s, these will have to do. They were a gift, so theydidn't cost me a thing...oh well.
My girl got this stuff at the Farmer's Market today..
Dessert wine made locally, and Olive Oil made by a guy who lives in my area half the year, and New Zeland the other half.

Picked this stuff up at Value Village..
$5.. Has a few stains I think we can get out.
Can anyone tell me approx. how old it is?



These for $3..
I feel like I know what they are, but I can't think of it.. Any help?
They are 3C



^Hawk Flights.

Vince, they're actually better than I thought they would be. I read your post about aways, sorry to hear it went down like that. Boo to L.A. once again.
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