Aunt Viv Blasts Will vol. No reunion for you!

Nov 20, 2003
Count Janet Hubert, the first Vivian Banks, out of any heartwarming "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" reunion.

Last week, some of the major players from the early 90s Will Smith show got together at a charity event, leading to speculation that maybe, just maybe, fans would be treated to an on-air reunion. Smith even posted a photo of their get together on Facebook, writing "Got the Holiday season started right with a 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air' reunion...there's nothin' like spending Holidays with fam!" 

Hubert, who played Will's aunt Vivian on the show, was noticeably absent, and it wasn't a clash of schedules.

"There will never be a reunion ... as I will never do anything with an as*hole like Will Smith," the actress told TMZ this weekend. "He is still an egomaniac and has not grown up. This constant reunion thing will never ever happen in my lifetime unless there is an apology, which he doesn't know the word."

why would they wont the first one?? couldnt they just use the 2nd one for a reunion if they wanted one?? #justsaying
Who cares if she comes back anyway, didn't she get replaced after the second season. Didn't even recognize her til I googled her.
She sounds bitter over something that happened like 20 years ago.. What was it that Will did exactly, didn't it involve her being overworked or something? 
WHo cares, she acts like she was a noticable actor in the show. Least important person if you ask me.
"I was a dark-skinned, African-American mother, and Will used to tell the you're-so-black jokes to the audience before the show, and at one point, I came out and stopped him, and the audience went 'Woooo,'" she remembered. "He didn't understand how unbelievably disrespectful that was to women like me... 'Yo mama's so black, when she looks at her shoes, she thinks she's looking in the mirror. Ha, ha!'"

Sorry  but 

LOL. Everyone else from the show seems to still be fond of him though.

Anyone remember the episode where she schooled him on what it means to be Black? Classic.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Word why can't they just get the second aunt vivian and i wonder what exactly happened between her and will

from what i remember reading she didnt like the way the cast acted backstage since it was more like a party the traditional acting she was used have to remember will and jazz were also doing there rapping at the time so they always tried to get everyone rapping and dancing and stuff with them backstage and she was the only one not having fun so they had static untill he ended up getting her replaced
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