Autistic boy lured to Florida house party and then beaten by teens vol. yup...Florida


Sep 22, 2013
Aaron Hill is a disabled boy in Okeechobee who was lured out of his home by a girl claiming to want to go on a date. Once to the location she chose, he was ambushed by Andrew Wheeler and a gang of at least 8 other people. Andrew beat him senseless, held a knife to his throat, And told him he was going to shoot and kill him.

At some point the teen was beaten, choked to unconsciousness and left lying in a ditch.

“He (the victim) awoke to find Wheeler standing over the top of him and hitting him in the face while other people stood around and laughed,” stated Officer Holroyd
my nephew is autistic. this is ******* sickening. im stupid for clicking on this thread. 
 i never wish bad on anyone, but i hope something really really really bad happens to them. ******* scum. 
My sister is autistic so just the thought of someone taking advantage ticks me off.

I didn't bother watching the video. But the responses tell me not to...

They deserve some serious beat downs
Yo fLorida is getting out of hand, like, all the way out of hand.
Why is it a state anymore...
Tell you right now in jail all the CO has to do is tell the other inmates what happend and its a wrap trust me this kid is a punk words can't express how disgusting this is and that chick who lured him needs a charge
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