Aye folk...what yo lemonade game hit like?

Mar 13, 2008
Let me stop

Translation: How good are you at making lemonade?

I prepare a simple syrup out of granulated sugar combined in equal or greater parts with boiling water. Stir. Let it boil, then simmer.I use a 6:5 ratio ofsugar to water every time. (optional: add unpeeled lemon slices while waiting for the syrup to boil). I let that chill in the freezer while I combine 1 packof kool-aid (the flavor varies but NEVER use lemonade....duh... try orange, grape, or strawberry
) with 5-7 squeezed lemons (+ pulp.... because pulp =godliness
) in a gallon pitcher. Add water and add in the syrup for sweetening and that's what's up.

Note: adding the unpeeled lemon slices does add a noticeable after taste to the lemonade. Some like it, but it tastes kind of "dirty" to me. Eitherway, it's colorful, which is all that really matters. Presentation is more than half the battle.

What u got NT? I bet Dirty has some sort of way to include a grill in this this process
country time is where its at, especially if its been slightly frozen in the 2 liter bottle. its like your own custom lemonade slush.
As a fan of many of your posts on NT, your topics (as of late,) have become incredibly superfluous.

I'm concerned, Rilla. As much as it hurts to say, from one NTer to another, you should fall back a bit.


Also, I don't make lemonade. I just order it at restaurants. I'll occasionally buy some from some kids' stand if I see one. Kids make some of thebest lemonade.
Originally Posted by soltheman

As a fan of many of your posts on NT, your topics (as of late,) have become incredibly superfluous.

I'm concerned, Rilla. As much as it hurts to say, from one NTer to another, you should fall back a bit.


Also, I don't make lemonade. I just order it at restaurants. I'll occasionally buy some from some kids' stand if I see one. Kids make some of the best lemonade.

Whoa, slow down... I've been known to request a recipe here and there on NT. I cook, it's a semi-wellknown fact. Sorry if you prefer my whiny threads about girls, sarcastic humor, or my weed induced depth
. I made this thread as I sipped on the first glassout of the pitcher of 'ade that I just made. My pops says I overcomplicated the process, so that's why I'mhere. Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me
wow, that sounds good. I've never made it myself before but I think I will try your recipe. thanks for sharing!
the fact that you translated makes me not even wanna give u a coherent response cuz you thinkin I cant understand, but nah i stick with koolaid
And the fact that you took that soooo personally just shows your insecurity.

Anywho, THANKS jibbycanoe
!!! It's cool making it yourself cuz it's just sugar, water, and lemon juice (until you start experimenting with otheringredients). I mean, some things are supposed to be just plain old simple, not "Simply".
I just do the basic lemons (with pulp), sugar, and water. I make a pitcher taste it then add more of whatever is needed until its good.
My favorite lemonade has always been the made to order kind at a stand at the fair or city park.

Water, lemons and sugar.

I'm sure yours is good, but your pops is right, that's a pretty complicated recipe for lemonade.
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

funny the last thread liek this i posted this brand and people were like
. but i think thats the best store brand you can buy.
now that I've thought about this more... why the kool-aid? I mean, you go au natural with the rest but then add kool-aid? seems like it would be good withjust straight lemon, or if you wanted flavor to add real fruit.
anyhow, a bit off topic but related.. my personal favorite summer drink is a recipe I got from my grandma. it's basically an arnold palmer but man I candrink this stuff all day. I just use a glass jug with the spigot at the bottom, fill it with water, put in 3-5 bags of lipton/orange peoke tea, let it sit infull sun for a couple of hours, add 0.5-1 full can of regular/pink lemonade concentrate, and chill. good stuff, and great with pretty much any type of liquor.
Well jibby...I'm hood, that's why
. But really though, it's just a personal thing. A __ like me likes kool-aid and real lemonade. Why not mixem? I didn't use the kool-aid today though, but I usually do. I haven't come up with a natural fruit recipe on my own yet. I guess it would be assimple as adding orange juice or real strawberries, but kool-aid is just so damn good

Ingredients: $2 and 79 cents.


That small #$% caraffe of juice is worth 68 cents tops. But then again, you're paying for the convenience I guess. I'd rather take my 3 dollars, buy abag of sugar and 10 lemons and some kool-aid and have lemon-aid for a week.
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