Ayo, NT i think i got a gambling problem PICS lol

NY Lottery

Look at the odds on the NY Lottery website. They are crazy ******ed. You are better off donating your money and using it as a tax write off. Played them when iturned 18, buy i realized quickly how ******ed they are.
my aunt gave me one and i won 20 stacks. i was happy as hell till i read the back and it said "not redeemable anywhere".
I'm cool with the dude working at the liquor store, so he always tells me which ones someone has won on recently so I can buy other ones.
yeah seriously. you have like a 1 in a bajillion chance of winning. i know someone has to win it but it most likely wont be you
waste of money to me
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

you have like a 1 in a bajillion chance of winning. i know someone has to win it but it most likely wont be you
that's not true. The odds with the ones I roll with are like 1 in 3.15, and like 1 in 2.98. I win a lot, I just lose most of the time.

Yeah I was hella addicted to teh scratchers too, I made a post about it when I bought like 16 in 2 days, but since then I threw in the towel. Now i just burnall my money at casinos. Just lost $80 last night while one of my boys won $500
I was once addicted. I worked close to a Cheveron and on my 10 minute breaks, I would head down there and buy a couple of Scratchers. I did this every work dayfor about 4 months straight.
That's really nothing. Your "problem" is something part of what I gain or loose a hand in Vegas
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Just buy at 1 machine till you win something, then goto a different card. It's not that hard.

you say that like if it was a 1:8 chance ticket, every 8th ticket will be the winner.
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