Ayo!! Why was enimem tea-bagged?

That @%+* look real
em play the part
I'm surprised he didn't act more violently.

I would have flipped out.

That was hilarious nonetheless.
Yea I doubt Em was in on it at all. And there seems to be alot of unnecessary hate on him in this thread just because his music isn't that good.
One entry found.

Main Entry:gull·ible
Variant(s):also gull·able \ˈgə-lə-bəl\
: easily duped or cheated
- gull·ibil·i·ty \ˌgə-lə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun
- gull·ibly \ˈgə-lə-blē\ adverb
It was planned but Sacha botched it. The people responsible for the wiring are gonna get fired.

Youtube been deleting the vids people been putting up cause of "legal action"

MTV and Em can play it off like it was staged the whole time...it wasn't...
@%*! BRUNO.. jus straight disrespected one of the best to ever pick up a mic..
@%*! MTV!!!!!!!!!!
Looking at this again Em definitely let this happen. They cut to him looking up while Cohen was still in the air
I guess the Ken Kaniff came out of him and was like cool I'll let this guyrest his balls on my chest while I (try not to) bury my nose in his gouche.
This is really a question as if this was real or not?

Joking right?

Of course Em was in on this 110%. He does something controversial at EVERY award show. They just magically had a camera crew setup waiting in the aisle for himto walk out...

Bait & Hook...
That is all bad, how is this a publicity stunt? That's making Eminem look like a straight buster. If it is a publicity stunt, Eminem just sold his soul tothe devil.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

That is all bad, how is this a publicity stunt? That's making Eminem look like a straight buster. If it is a publicity stunt, Eminem just sold his soul to the devil.

eminem don't even need publicity

it's that borat dude
Originally Posted by nublee

Clearly planned, but Eminem was not in on it.


I loved Borat, but I might just skip Bruno for doing Em dirty like that

MTV knew, Sacha Baren knew this. I don't think Em did. Dude left, and his boys were like hahaha at first, then realized Em was salty.
He was mic'd. Nobody just sits in the crowd mic'd up. It was planned. I don't know if the 69 position was part of it.....but it was planned.
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