Ayo!! Why was enimem tea-bagged?

Originally Posted by Jason23Richardson

FYI for people that thought it was fake. Eminem was scheduled to close the show with another performance, but he left.

That's a lie who told you that? you are just repeating what someone said to you................It was fake do you even have the slightest idea of how thoescable rigs work? somebody has to lower it for him and to do something "unplanned" like dropping in on somebody is extreemly unsafe
Originally Posted by RECOGNIZE GAME

that's sad eminem got violated..

publicity stunt? because he's too mainstream? or for him to make a song about how he got teabagged on the mtv movie awards?

sad?? how so? eminem disses people all the time, with no repercussions. bout time he got some payback. and if it was a publicity stunt, then he's ayo forknowingly letting a guy put his bare #%$# in his mouth.
It looks like Sasha Baron Cohen & MTV set up Em...Bruno ( Sasha ) decided to make a example of a homophobic rapper by sticking his taint in hisface...which going by the trailer for Bruno and the skits from Da Ali G Show is exactly what he was going for to get publicity for his movie... Still,Em'sreaction was priceless...
Originally Posted by dvdjamm5150

It looks like Sasha Baron Cohen & MTV set up Em...Bruno ( Sasha ) decided to make a example of a homophobic rapper by sticking his taint in his face...which going by the trailer for Bruno and the skits from Da Ali G Show is exactly what he was going for to get publicity for his movie... Still,Em's reaction was priceless...

Sure and that's why Em is good friends with Elton John right? how are you a homophobe when You say on Jimmy Kimmel that "ELTON JOHN" is your goodfriend, and read what I said before I talked to my friend who worked on the show and it was fixed "set up" they all knew
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by dvdjamm5150

It looks like Sasha Baron Cohen & MTV set up Em...Bruno ( Sasha ) decided to make a example of a homophobic rapper by sticking his taint in his face...which going by the trailer for Bruno and the skits from Da Ali G Show is exactly what he was going for to get publicity for his movie... Still,Em's reaction was priceless...

Sure and that's why Em is good friends with Elton John right? how are you a homophobe when You say on Jimmy Kimmel that "ELTON JOHN" is your good friend, and read what I said before I talked to my friend who worked on the show and it was fixed "set up" they all knew

There is a difference between being friends with a gay person and having another man's @*+ shoved in your face. He may not be a homophobe but somethinglike that would piss off even the most gay-friendly person in the world. I think Sacha's part was planned but I really don't think Eminem would agreeto do something like that. Sacha likes to surprise people and even though a lot of his bits are staged, I'm not sure if this one was. I'll just have towait and see.
Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by dvdjamm5150

It looks like Sasha Baron Cohen & MTV set up Em...Bruno ( Sasha ) decided to make a example of a homophobic rapper by sticking his taint in his face...which going by the trailer for Bruno and the skits from Da Ali G Show is exactly what he was going for to get publicity for his movie... Still,Em's reaction was priceless...

Sure and that's why Em is good friends with Elton John right? how are you a homophobe when You say on Jimmy Kimmel that "ELTON JOHN" is your good friend, and read what I said before I talked to my friend who worked on the show and it was fixed "set up" they all knew

There is a difference between being friends with a gay person and having another man's @*+ shoved in your face. He may not be a homophobe but something like that would piss off even the most gay-friendly person in the world. I think Sacha's part was planned but I really don't think Eminem would agree to do something like that. Sacha likes to surprise people and even though a lot of his bits are staged, I'm not sure if this one was. I'll just have to wait and see.

What part dont you understand about staged? my boy said the whole thing was planned from the way he landed to what EM's boy did.....sureee he gonna getlowered down in that position??? get real, it was scripted 100%
it's fake. Em is a clown and notoriously known for pulling pranks or being involved in pranks. Do you honestly think Em wouldnt start swinging and act likea loon if someone really did that to him unplanned? If I were in Em shoes and someone played a prank like that on me unknowingly, I would lose my cool andstart swinging away.

Some of y'all are too gullible.
Originally Posted by solesavage

it's fake. Em is a clown and notoriously known for pulling pranks or being involved in pranks. Do you honestly think Em wouldnt start swinging and act like a loon if someone really did that to him unplanned? If I were in Em shoes and someone played a prank like that on me unknowingly, I would lose my cool and start swinging away.

Some of y'all are too gullible.

yeah...I can agree with that. If that happened to me I'd be swinging and trying to hurt this man, not just pushing him around.
It was staged because you know the rest of D12 would have jumped Bruno if it was real.
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