Bachelor Pad.

Guys, whats the general rule of thumb for the distance bewteen couch n tv? Live in a small place, and looking for slim stands capable of supporting a 55 or 60 inch. Dont wanna wall mount for now.

I have a couple of game consoles like the wii, ps4‘ blu ray.

Leaning on 60, but friend said its too big, might actually fatigue my eyes and.produce strain.

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Guys, whats the general rule of thumb for the distance bewteen couch n tv? Live in a small place, and looking for slim stands capable of supporting a 55 or 60 inch. Dont wanna wall mount for now.

I have a couple of game consoles like the wii, ps4‘ blu ray.

Leaning on 60, but friend said its too big, might actually fatigue my eyes and.produce strain.


It varies..

Screen Viewing distance range
32" 4.0-6.7 feet
37" 4.6-7.7 feet
40" 5.0-8.3 feet
46" 5.7-9.5 feet
50" 6.3-10.4 feet
55" 6.9-11.5 feet
60" 7.5-12.5 feet
65" 8.1-13.5 feet
70" 8.75-14.6 feet
75" 9.4-15.6 feet
80" 10.0-16.7 feet
84" 10.5-17.5 feet

Is just one chart from Crutchfield
There's a bigger explanation here
I guess that's where we're different. I don't keep anything for decades lol 
 I'm 36 and have always had a car payment since I was 18. I guess I'm always buying new things and selling the old. Last time I paid $5k plus for a stereo was in like 2000. I move way too much and grow tired of stuff too quick, so I tend to steer clear of that stuff. Either way, awesome looking stuff. Just too rich for my blood. I have too many other expenses such as $7k on season tickets not counting the travel so i try not to get too crazy with other stuff especially since shoes burn a hole in our pockets already lol. Good luck to you if you get it. I'd definitely be envious.  
That's not exactly something to be proud of.
What's your point? I have a retirement and other investments.  I can spend my money anyway I'd like.  I'm sure some of you spend more money on cigarettes and alcohol than a car payment.  I'm glad you have a grasp of my finances there, guy.
Just a little tidbit to those that are going to buy or interested in Tempurpedic Mattresses or similar type mattresses. Do yourself a favor and get a Dr's note for your "bad back" and you need it for the pain. It will help you with NO TAX. I've purchased 3 mattresses in the past 8 years and the Dr.'s note does the trick. Additionally I believe it works with exercise equipment. You know, doc says you need an elliptical because of your "bad back." Removes the additional money you don't have to spend.

Additionally, since Tempurpedic is price protected, there are ways to make up for cost. Such as receiving "free" Tempurpedic pillows that are like $150 per pillow, mattress covers, free deliver etc. Granted I bought 2  Tempurpedics at once, but I received 8 Tempurpedic "free pillows," 2 mattress covers, free delivery, and 5 years no interests. 

Hope this helps someone that's considering purchasing a new mattress.
How much you pay? Are they really THAT good?
Either $7k or $8k. I like them, but doesn't mean everyone will.  When I sleep other places it usually feels horrible now.  It's really up to individual on whether it's worth it. For me, I'd say yes. Beds are like shoes to me. If you sleep like crap, it affects your entire life. If you walk around in crappy shoes, it's going to hurt. If if that's the case, you probably should invest a few more bucks for a better quality of life. Just my own opinion and others may completely disagree.
What's your point? I have a retirement and other investments.  I can spend my money anyway I'd like.  I'm sure some of you spend more money on cigarettes and alcohol than a car payment.  I'm glad you have a grasp of my finances there, guy.

you dont have to explain yourself

we all spend our money diff, i dont place much value in my spot.............when i first copped my place i had plans but i really dont care, im never home

i actually just got to my place now at 2am, i been gone easily since 9am, i didnt go to the gym today so it woulda been earlier

*goes back to lurking thread thread now*
Either $7k or $8k. I like them, but doesn't mean everyone will.  When I sleep other places it usually feels horrible now.  It's really up to individual on whether it's worth it. For me, I'd say yes. Beds are like shoes to me. If you sleep like crap, it affects your entire life. If you walk around in crappy shoes, it's going to hurt. If if that's the case, you probably should invest a few more bucks for a better quality of life. Just my own opinion and others may completely disagree.

last night i slept on a couch (didnt even come home last night), tonight im sleeping on a bed...........i went thru a period in my life where i slept on a floor for a few months

if you sleep like crap you sleep like crap period......imo
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What's your point? I have a retirement and other investments.  I can spend my money anyway I'd like.  I'm sure some of you spend more money on cigarettes and alcohol than a car payment.  I'm glad you have a grasp of my finances there, guy.
you dont have to explain yourself

we all spend our money diff, i dont place much value in my spot.............when i first copped my place i had plans but i really dont care, im never home

i actually just got to my place now at 2am, i been gone easily since 9am, i didnt go to the gym today so it woulda been earlier

*goes back to lurking thread thread now*
I know I don't. But we always seem to "experts" in these forums whether it's about shoes, money, or life in general. Tends to get old after a while. Kinda like the guys giving fashion tips. I'm sure if we looked in half of their closets we'd all laugh at them, but they seem to be the first to put their two cents in.
Either $7k or $8k. I like them, but doesn't mean everyone will.  When I sleep other places it usually feels horrible now.  It's really up to individual on whether it's worth it. For me, I'd say yes. Beds are like shoes to me. If you sleep like crap, it affects your entire life. If you walk around in crappy shoes, it's going to hurt. If if that's the case, you probably should invest a few more bucks for a better quality of life. Just my own opinion and others may completely disagree.
last night i slept on a couch (didnt even come home last night), tonight im sleeping on a bed...........i went thru a period in my life where i slept on a floor for a few months

if you sleep like crap you sleep like crap period......imo
Floor used to feel better than a bed to me - like when I was in HS. Not anymore though. If I did that, I'd probably wake up every few hours or so trying to get comfortable. 
It varies..

Screen Viewing distance range
32" 4.0-6.7 feet
37" 4.6-7.7 feet
40" 5.0-8.3 feet
46" 5.7-9.5 feet
50" 6.3-10.4 feet
55" 6.9-11.5 feet
60" 7.5-12.5 feet
65" 8.1-13.5 feet
70" 8.75-14.6 feet
75" 9.4-15.6 feet
80" 10.0-16.7 feet
84" 10.5-17.5 feet

Is just one chart from Crutchfield
There's a bigger explanation here

Thanks. I‘ve been reading, but most of my reading has always been about the TV themselves. haha. I seen some curved TVs at best buy. But way pricey. I gotta do some measuring, but seems like 50-55 would be better. I think I have abouy 6 feet to work with. Smaller does save me more money though. Need some scientific research, cuz I know its not the same staring a tv at best buy as opposed to watching one for hours at home. thanks
Does anybody know where to find one of these wall mounted media shelf/case ? I saw the ad on Ikea but they didn't have anymore for sale last time I looked.

my kitchen was being installed today, already looks so much better. Can't wait to share before and after pics.

Closed on July 29 - been renovating since, furniture coming Friday, I hope to move in this weekend / middle of the week the latest.

Very excited.
How yall Bachelor Pads holding up?
Dirty as hell. I've been on the road for work about 85% of the time since moving in the last week in May. Should have a slow next couple of months, so hopefully I can get it fully put together and cleaned up. Still got a few things to hang, some sticky kitchen countertops from liquor being poured, dirty floors, etc. Need to post pics once I get it cleaned up.
How yall Bachelor Pads holding up?
Been at my apt for 2 years come November and still have a ways to go. Actually made a spreadsheet of everything I want in it but kind of had an epiphany. So much crap on there is materialistic as hell. That money could go towards savings, a trip, anything. Do I really need that area rug or shelving unit? What about that accent table and side chairs? Idk...

It doesn't feel like "home" just yet and that's what's driving me to keep adding to it. I'm also hoping to move to a nicer area in the hear future so I'm trying to account for that as well. In the meantime, aiming to finish up my "office" in the next few months. Will post pics afterwards
Been living at my place for two years and I just added a desk, chair and night stand to my room.:lol: :smh:

Few pieces on the wall. Finally starting to feel like home.
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i've had a major change in the amount of stuff i keep around.
sold about 40 shoes. gave a way old clothes and furniture that didn't fit in with the spot.
tossed a bunch of my mementos and "stuff" from college finally... don't miss it.

the gf and i have lived together for appx 4 years now, and contrary to NT belief, our styles have merged successfully.

we have a really awesome collection of air plants in the shower. nice touch.

don't go grave dig my old post about my cheap home made bed with 5 gallon buckets and plywood. we're on the verge of replacing it, but don't want to spend too much money on something that we don't see. as long as it works and can handle plenty of jumping on it.

art is a mixture of her photos and my canvas and workboards. she's painted a few rooms in basic colors and it definitely made a different to lighten things up. we also took the cupboard doors off in the kitchen. everything is open. i can't explain too well, but me being tall, it helps to not see a bunch of solid squares up around head level.

we have an apartment dryer, but it sucks. we've been line/hang drying clothes for 6 months, and it's not as bad as i thought it would be.

she's done our garden up something fierce. nothing better than walking into the yard to make dinner. and we're growing hops!

haven't had a lot of folks over, but when they do come they all mention how our spot really matches our personalities.

anybody want to see pics?
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