Back to college = problems with girlfriend

Originally Posted by sk8tehop

man, stalker status on those pics.

this is NT fam.. you gotta set up a whole different photobucket to post pics, and its still probably 5 people who know who the chick is.

But You just gotta talk to her.. let her know that school HAS to come 1st.
Originally Posted by daemacho

Next time you see her and it feels deeper, think of me.

if only that were possible. bottoming out is a wonderful and terrible feeling at the same time.
dn0774 wrote:
Something else that needs to be said is that people are usually as trusting as they are trustworthy...

The meaning being that the more suspicious/untrusting a person acts can many times be a reflection of how trusting you should be of them. I've known a lot of girls who would always be checking on their bf's and accusing them of cheating only to find out later that they themselves were doing all kinds of shady stuff with other dudes during that time. Granted its more of a guideline to follow rather than a rule, many people just have normal trust issues and aren't necessarily cheating despite how suspicious they may act.

She needs to know that IF you're going to cheat, then you're going to cheat and her nagging about it isn't going to make you do it less. I agreewith soletheman, you need to sit her down and talk to her about it. I admit I have my own issues but I've come to the realization that +@!!@@@ will throwthemselves at my man but if he were to touch any of them, then I'm gone and he knows that so until that happens I have my faith and trust in him.Otherwise, you're just setting yourself up for unnecessary bull and stress.
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