Bad Drug/Alcohol Experience. Vol


Jan 11, 2008
Post you bad alcohol/drug exp.
- One night me and the homes are at a girl house, basically a kick back. I really didn't smoke weed like that, but for that night i did. Anyways were smoking and i mean like 2 blunts at a time, and after i get high i dont know what happened but i start to have a mini panic attack, not to mention i used to have asthma. The room is filled with smoke and literally i felt like i couldn't breath. I dont know if i was overreacting and because i was high i was trying to breath and not let myself breath natural or if my lungs was really geting clogged. I dash outside and is like gasping for air, this girl comes out and is like am i ok? i reply yea. But i swear i couldnt breath right, so me like a dumb @@! call 9-1-1 for myself. long story short the ambulence comes and im laying on the front porch, they test me as im high as %**% and call my parents and tell them that their 16yr old son was high and panicked.
Definitely just a panic attack. A female friend of mine had one of those once when she smoked 
Yea first time doesn't always go as smooth as you want it to.

Then again sometimes it's not for some people and thats understandable.
smoked 7 blunts, friend decded to make lemonade but all we had was brown sugar, gave me the worst headache and i threw up all over his neighbors welcome mat
For one of the WTT shows I went to I took MDMA and drank A LOT. That night was amazing, but the next day I was certain I was going to die. I didn't have to work until 3, went into work and could not stop shaking, my whole body was jittery. Thought there was no way I'd make it through my shift.
Did some shroom capsules with my boy and a co-worker.
I was tripping hard and about an hour later I look at my boy ad he's sliding down the couch with his eyes closed, I ran over to him and shook him and he woke up breathing really hard and clenching his chest and told me he can't breathe, I told him we're going to the hospital and he told me no.

He went to the room to sleep but I kept checking up on him ever 10 minutes and sure enough I had to shake him everytime I went up because he wouldn't be breathing, I finally picked him up and told him we're going to the hospital, but by the time I did he snapped out of it and told me he had a REALLY bad trip.
Salvia.. never again. I literally fell out of my chair... it felt like an out of body experience and I WILL NEVER do that $+# again. 
chilling 1 night lighting up in my car with a friend. I then park my car and we proceed to walk back to my dorm. Like 5 blocks and it was 3 am. Now for some reason, once I started walking, I couldnt stop. Like my legs wouldnt stop moving, and I was walking weird. Like a toy soldier. There are campus security posted around the campus and I didnt really feel like getting caught. I told my friend to grab me because I cant stop walking and apparently it was the funniest thing in the world to him. So I walked 5 blocks without bending my knees at all. When I got to my dorm, my calves were so sore and I just felt like crap. Not super bad but still a little alarming to me
so we're not talking about just blacking out from drinking and having the worst hangover the next day right?

my worst was probably the 2nd time i tried E. first time was so amazing, but second time around it was again so good that i ended up taking 3 that night and drank a whole a lot. i too thought i was gona die the next day, and thought i got brain damage because i had a terrible migraine that lasted a week.
one day after a four day binge on ecstasy about 6 or 7 years ago my face n arms went numb for about a day and i kinda started freakin out that nite. i called my sister and dad n told them how i was feeling, in tha end i ended up going home. mind you i was using ecstasy for about 3 or 4 months when that happened and oxycontin.
I don't mess with too much but I drink and I'll smoke every now and then.

Smoked salvia with my boy one time. Gets passed to me the second time and I go to hit it and I'm literally falling out of my chair...leaning so hard I light my thumb on fire and burn the %#@$ out of it. Hit it like a champ anyway and as I look up the homies Mario and Wario jump off his computer wallpaper and start battling on his desk, getting coins and all that mess. I look down and back up and now they're bordering the tops of his walls in that famous jump pose. I took my high %%* to bed for a half hour I was so shook

Sophomore year of college on St. Patty's Day we start EARLY drinking beer. By the end of the night I'm on to dark liquor and promptly black out. I wake up the next day in my bed, alone, naked. I walk over to my girls apartment and she starts flippin on me talkin about I peed all over her room. Apparently I got up about 15 min after we went to bed and I just started giving her room the golden shower treatment. She said I had my pants down to my knees peeing on her chairs, her nightstand, opened her closet and let it go on her clothes and everything. She kicked me out and I walked home (next door) in my boxers. Beer before urinate on everything
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

James Earl Zones wrote:
Thees little people running round in my home with redd clothing on they have designs like zebras stripes at their faces. I was asked to follow them to the outtter sides of ' my mind I aam lost the message is there. the message is there. the message it's there. Whn we become s the elders we are finished. He cannot see where we are headed bring them with you. Save them from himn it it's not a choice help them. &..... the circle. What is time. Where are we_ you cannot see +.... this is it the message is there what I have they have me. They,have me I,feel eyers are they earre heavy my,eyes my,eyes my eyes my eyes aa heavy heasavy
this is my brain on ambien. I had no memory of posting this either
how bout the first time i smoked weed lol ..

i was in front of my old apartment building with some neighborhood drug dealers lol, just hanging .. decided to smoke with them, go into the building.. sparked up, smoked out.. entered the elevator back down to the lobby and out the building. The moment the elevator doors opened, IT HIT ME lol

i was trying my best to be normal, but failed terribly lol .. i was leaned out, couldn't even stand.. i didn't know what was happening. I couldn't get myself to stop nodding off.. So i decided to sit down, but fell asleep outside lol.. long story short, one of them took advantage of my situation and told me that the blunt was laced. i WENT insane !!!!!! lol long story short a fight almost went down, police and ambulance were just seconds away from being called lol

- Moral of the story.. DO NOT USE DRUGS !! But if you do, make sure you don't have *!*HOLE friends lol
Had to call 911 because my best friend's girl drank like half a bottle of vodka and decided to take like 20 Xanax bars. Chick almost died

Personally... took some meth bombs by accident when I was like 16 and was awake for over 3 days straight. Started hallucinating by day two and thought I was going crazy. Took sleeping pills and Nyquil and passed out and I guess I woke up like a day later.
Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

how bout the first time i smoked weed lol ..

i was in front of my old apartment building with some neighborhood drug dealers lol, just hanging .. decided to smoke with them, go into the building.. sparked up, smoked out.. entered the elevator back down to the lobby and out the building. The moment the elevator doors opened, IT HIT ME lol

i was trying my best to be normal, but failed terribly lol .. i was leaned out, couldn't even stand.. i didn't know what was happening. I couldn't get myself to stop nodding off.. So i decided to sit down, but fell asleep outside lol.. long story short, one of them took advantage of my situation and told me that the blunt was laced. i WENT insane !!!!!! lol long story short a fight almost went down, police and ambulance were just seconds away from being called lol

- Moral of the story.. DO NOT USE DRUGS !! But if you do, make sure you don't have *!*HOLE friends lol

Aha i used to hate when i smoked weed and then i have to go home and try to act all normal around my parents....try not to look at them in the eyes
Okay so Im not much of a smoker and this was during my early experimenting phase. I ate brownies for the first time with my friend who been a weed fiend since high school. He had this brownie from his cousin and told it it was some hardcore %#*%, like 7 blunts = 1 brownie. So we went to this Korean bbq and our plan was to get high and much on some food. We both ate 1/4 of the brownie before we got inside and after 20 minutes we didn't feel anything so we split the rest. He ended up eating 3/5 and I ate the rest. Long story short, It was the trippiest moment of my life. The high just kept escalating to the point where I looked like a zombie. Got cotton mouth, everything started turning animated and I'm hearing voices. I couldn't even eat and all I wanted to do was just crash at someone's place. We went out for some fresh air and walked into a market, we walked around for 5 minutes and found my boy lying down on the ground. In my mind I was like oh ssnappps. I thought he passed out or some %#*% happen cause he was just lying down on the ground motionless. So my friend picked him up and got him to the car. Shortly after he yakked everywhere and I was so ashamed of myself at that point and apologized to my friend who was driving. I ended up yaking as well right after I got out of the car. Crashed at boy's dorm and slept for 2-3 hrs... I woke up still high... The high lasted for like at least 6 hrs. Moral of the story is to always eat 1/4 when it comes to brownies and wait for it to kick in...

Cliffs: ate 2/5 of a brownie which has as much thc as 7 blunts.
Started to get high but it just kept on escalating.
First cotton mouth, impaired visualization, hearing things and zoning out
Absolutely no sense of time, perception, control and my mind was out of it.
Other friend who ate the rest, passed out in a supermarket/grocery store.
Trippiest moment of my life and scarred me from edibles.
First time I did shrooms. I had the king of bad trips. Was awful. Everything turned red, my face was morphing, I hated everything about it. Mind and body wise. When i finally came to I was so overwhelmed I cried lol.

When I look back at it now if that wouldn't of been my first time trippin it would of been awesome. I just wasn't ready for it. The visuals I had were CRAZY. I remember at one point I went to wash my hands and the water came out in clumps, all slow mo like. The floor I was on was crafted all +*!+#@ like, the foundation was uneven and %!%*. So it felt like it was coming up on me. Walls were breathing. Could of swore bushes were talking to me, not saying words, just muffeld speech lol. was crazy
This isn't about me but a friend.
I was having a party. It was the summer before 9th grade.
Was trying to get this hot chcik wasted so I could u know, give it to her.

Anyway, were drinking. Gettin tore.
We had like a 5th of 151. We already killed a pint of hot damn and some popov.. gross.
Anyway. I bet the chcik $20 she couldn't kill a red plastic cup of 151 in a hour. She almost finished it but then got reeeaal sick. Long story short, me and a few friends ended up walking her home. I guess we were loud cause some one called the cops. Cops show up, see she's wasted. They call a paramedic. Chick ended up having alcohol poisining and had to get her stomach pumped. Never got to smash
but I got $20 for the bet. Lmao
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