Bad habits that you're trying to break

Mar 11, 2010
riding without a seatbelt

going to sleep at 5 to 6:00 in the morn...
not going to school.
staying up till 2-3 am.
+*#%++@ my sheets up in my sleep.
tried to stop riding with no seat belt, but its hard. i have auto ones in my car now, so that helps 50% :T
Eating late
Not exercising with my downtime
Cut down on games
Procrastinating with all my goals
procrastinating with important things
eating fast food. I've gotten much better with this lately. i've been cooking for about a week now.
Not working out
it's like your body is saying "no sir". I'm in the military and I'm not in bad shape, but it's hard to reach that ideal body. I need to eat more fruits and veg.
Dwelling Over Females.
Saving So Much Money, & blowing It.
Thinking I'm an Underachiever, When I'm just psyching myself out.
-Shoe Craze, although I've been buying way less lately ( only 2 shoes so far in 2011)
-Biting my nails
Sleeping to the very last minute..
It shakes up my driving skills on my way to work since I'm always rushing
Procrastination, Negative thinking (I tend to expect the worst in people), leaving clothes on the floor.
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