Baggy Pants Should be Made Illegal


but real talk good fitting jeans FTW
joint is rediculous. i hate seein young cats with there brithces to their knees... then they have the nerve to rock a belt
"like thats like what im talkin bout like thats the way like we rock em like" and rofl at the SHOTGUN in dudes pant leg, I get different responsesfrom ladies when i take my out and put it on the table though
Thats what Im saying, theres NO way this could be made illegal!!! If I got a ticket or sentence over this crap you best believe I would be headed to the damSupreme Court! They cant make it illegal saying its indecent exposure, because that law already exists and according to it this isnt indecent exposure! If itslegal for me to wear boxers and a wife beater, why cant I wear the same thing except cover myself up more and expose less by covering the majority of my boxerswith some shorts?
If sagging is banned, then they should ban all these old people from pullin their pants up over their freakin belly button, because that looks even worse, andif they cant be baggy, why should they be allowed to be skin tight?
Wouldn't this be against some constitutional right. I mean comon. A law telling me how to dress. There are so many things wrong with this country, sooooomanyyyyy...
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Wouldn't this be against some constitutional right. I mean comon. A law telling me how to dress. There are so many things wrong with this country, sooooo manyyyyy...

exactly, its unconstitutional but they still pass the law. thats why Im sayin if they try to prosecute me Im goin to the dam Supreme Court with it!
That's crazy but so true, that's how many guns kids in LA have on them on a daily consistent basis. If you don't believe me watch Gran Torinoit's based on a true story, but based in the Mid West because Clint insisted.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

That's crazy but so true, that's how many guns kids in LA have on them on a daily consistent basis. If you don't believe me watch Gran Torino it's based on a true story, but based in the Mid West because Clint insisted.
Originally Posted by DjMystery2003

pr0phecy718 wrote:

Cop: Whats this right here

Dude: Thats my penis

Cop: Thats your penis, alright... sorry about that


Cop: Whats this right here

Dude: Thats my penis

Cop: Thats your penis, alright... sorry about that, i thought it was a nail clipper.

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