Bally Uri's a.k.a Bally Animals & Any ol skool Bally sneakers

Jul 26, 2005
Is there any people out there that remember the Bally Uri's a.k.a "Bally Animal" sneakers or any other Bally sneakers fromback in the day I remember my older brother had a Red pair of Animals when I was in middle school but after about 96' these shoes seem to just fade away ofcourse Bally doesn't make them anymore but these shoes were very hot down here in the N.O. when they were out. I still wear Bally's today but I wouldlove to get my hands on a pair of OG Bally Animals or any ol skool Bally's I've been looking for Bally Animals for about 4 years now but can't seemto find em anyway not even on ebay and there is only one pic on the whole net of the Bally Animals. I see alot of fakes being sold down here in the N.O. but Ican't rock wit the fakes but if anybody got Pics of The Animals, Mirages, Marina's or any other ol skool Bally's Post your Pics
High Top OG Pair Bally Uri's a.k.a Bally Animals

Low top Pairs


yea homie those are animals on the soles thats why people down here in the N.O. use to call em Bally animals cuz of the animals on the soles
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