Baptist Pastor Beaten and Tased by Border Patrol

Nov 27, 2011
Backstory - baptist pastor drives up to a suspicion-less immigration checkpoint about 50 miles away from the actual border. Border Patrol ask him of whatcountry he is a citizen which he does not have to answer (5th amendment). He ask if he is free to go because he they have nothing on him. Border Patrol getsthe drug dog to smell around his car, according to the Border Patrol agents their dog "alerted" them of there being either drugs or a human in thetrunk (they made this up). Border Patrol calls the Highway Patrol. At the request of the Pastor, the Highway Patrol ask for the dog to be brought out again.Border Patrol refuses the request since they would end up being caught in a lie. They break his windows, tased, and smashed his head into broken glass. Thenfind nothing in the trunk.

According to the Supreme Court these checkpoints are 100% legal within 100 miles of any US border.


Land of the Free -
Why is Baptists Pastor in the title? Should he be given special rights?
how's his occupation relevant? Damn when's the lord when ya need em!
watching that makes
. that was terribly handled by CBP agents. my job hasme do a lot of reporting on DHS and its sub agencies (including CBP) and the amount of stuff they are allowed to do in the name of "nationalsecurity" is rediculous.

while doing reseach for my job, i stumbled across this article concerning DHS and domestic satellite surveillance

Rep. Jane Harman: Shut Down Satellite Surveillance
June 14, 2009 09:05 AM EDT
views: 102 | rating: 10/10 (5 votes) | comments: 10
Rep. Jane Harman: Shut Down Satellite Surveillance

Democratic Rep. Jane Harman has submitted legislation that would in effect prevent the Department of Homeland Security from using space-based satellite imagery for domestic surveillance.

The California congresswoman, chair of the House Homeland Security Committee's intelligence and terrorism risk assessment subcommittee, praised the use of military and intelligence satellites to aid American troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. But she raised concerns that satellite surveillance could infringe on civil liberties when used at home.

"Imagine, for a moment, what it would be like if one of these satellites were directed on your neighborhood or home, a school or place of worship - and without an adequate legal framework or operating procedures in place for regulating their use," Rep. Harman said.

"I daresay the reaction might be that Big Brother has finally arrived and the black helicopters can't be far behind."

Space-based satellites have been used to monitor volcanic activity, hurricanes, floods and environmental changes, but "the leadership at DHS envisioned additional homeland security and law enforcement benefits," Government Security News reported.

DHS requested funding for the National Applications Office (NAO), which coordinates the use of satellite imagery for domestic surveillance. Harman's bill would bar DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano from "obligating or expending funds for the National Applications Office."

Harman has also submitted a bill that would direct Napolitano to close the NAO. In a speech in the House on June 4, she said: "The Appropriations Committee has repeatedly expressed skepticism about the need for the NAO."

But Charlie Allen, then the Under Secretary of DHS for Intelligence & Analysis, wrote last year that the NAO would operate "with a solid framework to protect privacy, civil rights and civil liberties."

to Rep. Harman for trying protecting civil liberties.
I'm going to hell for laughing at his screaming. Dude must have thought he was on some special status to just lock himself in and not get out ofthe car.
Honestly though, what was the point in being uncooperative? Dude had nothing on him, so he should of just did what he had to do.

I'm not saying the cops did the right thing, far from it. I'm just saying that he should have sacrificed his pride or whatever he was feeling andcooperated.

It would have saved him a whole lot of trouble and money.
This is an issue that really needs awareness.

There's a 100% teenage boy who was pulled from his home and has been held in prison for months under the "Patriot Act" - because some hackersomehow made it look like a bomb threat call came from the boys home phone #.

Over 100 United States Citizens are wrongfully deported every year. Imagine driving down the road, finding yourself at one of the checkpoints, being arrestedand dropped of at a country you've never known with only the clothes on your back. No food, no shelter, no money. It's happening everyday.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Honestly though, what was the point in being uncooperative? Dude had nothing on him, so he should of just did what he had to do.

I'm not saying the cops did the right thing, far from it. I'm just saying that he should have sacrificed his pride or whatever he was feeling and cooperated.

It would have saved him a whole lot of trouble and money.
ding ding ding
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

I'm going to hell for laughing at his screaming. Dude must have thought he was on some special status to just lock himself in and not get out of the car.
Looks like I'm joining you.
at me; I even laughed at the music when it was playing during the patrol video

And I don't see why he's so adamant on staying in the car and being uncooperative. And refusing to obey a police officer is against the law when heobstructs the officers duties. The officer was kind of a third party that was just doing his job. He was supposed to get pastor out of the car and the pastorrefused. If anything he should have listened to the police (Highway Patrol technically), but the idiot didn't and ended up going against both of them.

Plus there's no video of what happened before that, so I don't really want to sway one way or the other. There are two sides to a story and unless Isee a video of what went on earlier I don't think I know who was right and who was wrong.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Honestly though, what was the point in being uncooperative? Dude had nothing on him, so he should of just did what he had to do.

I'm not saying the cops did the right thing, far from it. I'm just saying that he should have sacrificed his pride or whatever he was feeling and cooperated.

It would have saved him a whole lot of trouble and money.
ding ding ding

word. That dude got his just deserts
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Honestly though, what was the point in being uncooperative? Dude had nothing on him, so he should of just did what he had to do.

I'm not saying the cops did the right thing, far from it. I'm just saying that he should have sacrificed his pride or whatever he was feeling and cooperated.

It would have saved him a whole lot of trouble and money.
ding ding ding

For the same reason that millions of Americans have died in war - to protect your right to freedom in the United States.
Originally Posted by Joe Dirt

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Honestly though, what was the point in being uncooperative? Dude had nothing on him, so he should of just did what he had to do.

I'm not saying the cops did the right thing, far from it. I'm just saying that he should have sacrificed his pride or whatever he was feeling and cooperated.

It would have saved him a whole lot of trouble and money.
ding ding ding

For the same reason that millions of Americans have died in war - to protect your right to freedom in the United States.

You're making an incredibly blanket statement.
Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Why is Baptists Pastor in the title? Should he be given special rights?
how's his occupation relevant? Damn when's the lord when ya need em!
That was my first thought....

This is an unfortunate incident regardless of the persons occupation.
Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by Joe Dirt

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Honestly though, what was the point in being uncooperative? Dude had nothing on him, so he should of just did what he had to do.

I'm not saying the cops did the right thing, far from it. I'm just saying that he should have sacrificed his pride or whatever he was feeling and cooperated.

It would have saved him a whole lot of trouble and money.
ding ding ding

For the same reason that millions of Americans have died in war - to protect your right to freedom in the United States.

You're making an incredibly blanket statement.

Only trying to put it in terms they could understand. The statement was not intended to write off other reasons for war or casualties.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

I hope he sues and those officers get reprimanded.

He will, even if they were "in the right" to break his windows and arrest him, he had his hands protecting his face and not physically resistingarrest. There was no reason to taz him or slam his face into broken glass.
Anyone who says this guy go what he deserves has to be joking. Police officers are not supposed to be blindly followed, particularly when their requestsaren't backed by the the law. They had nothing, including no probable cause. They should have let him go unless he had no ID. Failure to obey a"LAWFUL ORDER" would be a charge that could stick. Failure to obey "ME" (as the officer put it)� is not illegal.

He could have had things in that trunk that could have revealed private things about him. Why should he have to reveal things about himself because cops wantto be nosy? If he was driving onto a government/private facility the I could understand the random search, but that wasn't the case. What if he had alaptop in the trunk? Would he have to let them go through his hard drives because he could potentially be plotting to take down the government? Where does itstop? How is that "Freedom"? 9/11 set America up for a full-fledged government takeover. �
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