Baron Davis strips Kobe and Breaks Raja's ankles

whats up with Vlad ..that wasnt even a serious cross and dude fell down
He didn't break his ankles you dummy. Dude just tripped on his own. And that steal on Kobe wasn't all that great too. I want 5min of my life back.
Raja Bell tore it up in that game... then after some heated exchange proceeded to do his best Matt Hardy impression against Kobe on the bench... Phil jacksoncould not be reached for comment
since this should be in the game thread im just going to post what I would have posted in the game thread had this been there.


lol, at Raja Bell
Paul Is On Tilt:
SoHi 23:
SoHi still keeping count.

My dude SoHi.
You couldn't post this in the game thread?
Definitely could have.

Definitely should have.


For the record, just so we're clear, I'm only going to allow threads like these for plays that are freaking PHENOMENAL. "Oh, he ripped Kobe!"O.K., so it was a steal, right? Right. "Yeah, but it was Kobe!!!" So. It was a steal. An impressive steal, but just a steal.

I don't know about the other mods/admins in here, but I'm only going to be allowing threads like these if A) there is no game thread made for the playyou're wanting to go nuts over, or B) what happened really was 9 kinds of ******ed. Like Tracy McGrady's 13 points in 39 seconds (or whatever itwas)... would have allowed a thread for that, because that wasn't even right; you don't ever see an outburst like that.

But Leon Powe dunking all over Herpes West the other night? No thread was made for that, and if there was one, I'd've locked it. Same with Powe onVarejao.

If you're going to make a thread for something that happened in a game, it better be something that we never see, something that is every kind ofimpressive. Vince Carter yakking all over Sasha Vujacic? Not that impressive.
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