Barry Zito....

@ "a single fan."

Giants fans are KNOWN for being uneducated as far as baseball goes. I'm not saying 100% of them are, but I am saying 60-75% are. Giants fans ALWAYS getexcited about mediocre (and by saying mediocre, i'm being nice) signings/trades such as:

Matt Morris

Sidney Ponson

Armando Benitez

And that's just naming pitchers.
That's blasphamy. Where are you getting these statistics from? Unless youre walking around the stadium on the first day of the season asking if Matt Morrisis going to make a difference or canMoises Alou can protect Bonds, I dont see how you can collectively say that 60-75% of Giants fans are idiots.

You're making all this #+%@ up just so you can make your "point."
Originally Posted by 22 Deuces 22

@ "a single fan."

Giants fans are KNOWN for being uneducated as far as baseball goes. I'm not saying 100% of them are, but I am saying 60-75% are. Giants fans ALWAYS get excited about mediocre (and by saying mediocre, i'm being nice) signings/trades such as:

Matt Morris

Sidney Ponson

Armando Benitez

And that's just naming pitchers.

Giants fans are known for being uneducated baseball fans?Are you friends with Peter Gammons or just making @$% up? Sources please.

...and those pitchers you named, yes we did get excited, when we traded themaway or got rid of their sorry @%$%+.
as a mariners fan, i was happy when barry left the division. he was fun to watch and one of my favorite pitchers. too bad he stinks now. that curve isridiculous, but the fastball is slower than jamie moyers', and that 'change' in his delivery is doing nada for him. you 'could' sayhe's adjusting to the NL, but heck that doesn't hold water for an 'ace' pitcher. looks like he should move to long relief or something,he's done.
Originally Posted by 22 Deuces 22

@ "a single fan."

Giants fans are KNOWN for being uneducated as far as baseball goes. I'm not saying 100% of them are, but I am saying 60-75% are. Giants fans ALWAYS get excited about mediocre (and by saying mediocre, i'm being nice) signings/trades such as:

Matt Morris

Sidney Ponson

Armando Benitez

And that's just naming pitchers.

You're coming off as an idiot.
So you walked around and interviewed every single Giants fan in the world and asked if these guys would make a difference?

Get the +%!+ out of here.
There's no real rivalry between the Giants and the A's anyway, I don't know why you're so mad
^If anything I think the rivalry is one-sided. There are so many A's fans that hate the Giants, but I don't know too many Giants fans that could givetwo +*!@# about the A's.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

No rivalry... I like both teams...

co-sign. i root for both teams
seems as a's fans are more concerned with disliking the giants
where as giants fans really dont care, they just want to sit in their ballpark and enjoy the food and wine
while talking on the phone
I want to get into this but I just won't
. I HATE the Giants with a passion because the Giants fans I KNOW (not people on here so RELAX) are someof the stupidest baseball fans I know. Plus, I know way too many Giants fans who run there mouth all day. That probably isn't a legit reason to hate a teambut @#!$ it I just do

And on Zito? I don't know how ANYONE in here can support or back him in an argument right now. He hasn't pitched more than 6.1 innings in a game ALLYEAR. He's gone under 5 innings 3 times and has given up 5 or more ERs in each of those starts. He has more walks than K's also. I guess his lastcouple of starts before this past one was decent but when your making the money that he is making, decent in near garbage. He has to be an ACE. Is it his faulthe got that money? No, but he will always be judged upon that. Y'all know that is just the way it is.

And at the end of the day the dude is 1-9 with an ERA near 6. There is NO EXCUSE for that. I don't give a @#!$ how little run support you get.
i have an odd feeling that he will get some clutch wins down the stretch. giants arent playin too bad right now.

It seems expectations for Zito have been lowered after the horrible year last year and the start of this year. If he goes 6 innings and keeps the Giants in thegame, it seems that we as fans are satisfied. In reality, 6 innings should not be acceptable when they are paying him top dollar. Paul, I see your point.We've seen progress over the last few starts (except last start) and that's all we can ask for at this point. All people see is 1-9 with an ERA near 6,but they don't see the gradual improvement.

With all that said, Go Giants!
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

No rivalry... I like both teams...

Same, I like both the A's and Giants. But..I do prefer the A's over the Giants if they went head-to-head. Maybe it's cuz I'm from San Jose so Inever really felt any rivalry. Same kind of applies to the 49ers/Raiders to me; I like both but I'm a bigger 49er fan.
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55


It seems expectations for Zito have been lowered after the horrible year last year and the start of this year. If he goes 6 innings and keeps the Giants in the game, it seems that we as fans are satisfied. In reality, 6 innings should not be acceptable when they are paying him top dollar. Paul, I see your point. We've seen progress over the last few starts (except last start) and that's all we can ask for at this point. All people see is 1-9 with an ERA near 6, but they don't see the gradual improvement.

With all that said, Go Giants!

Hell yeah the expectations for Zito have gone wayyyy down since last season
. If he goes 6 innings and 3 earned runs, I say that's a good outing forthe guy. I know it's not really a good outing for a guy we pay $126 mil to but when you had the season that Zito had last year combined with the outingsthat Zito had to begin the year, it's a little more understandable.

Now coming into this season, we already had the expectation that the Giants weren't even going to compete for the division crown or even the wild card.Sure there's a slight chance, but realistically thinking, we're right where we are supposed to be... under .500. So we could tolerate Zito pitchingthis way. I say, let him regroup and try to put it together. But let's say we were actually contending for the division crown with Zito pitching the way heis, hell yeah we'd be pissed at Zito. It's all about expectations. For this season, for this team, for Zito, I have relatively low expectations.

And to think, after this season, only 5 more years left off that hefty contract that idiot Sabean signed him to
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