Basketball Knee Pain, Jumping Technique, Hip/Glute Activation

^ The problem I had with the Cho-Pat strap was that I found the velcro to be rather weak. Throughout the course of a game or practice, it would often loosen up and I would be constantly readjusting it. A few times it actually fell off when I made a sharp cut or made contact with another play.
I'm recovering from ACL surgery so I have been rehabbing the past two months.
It will be 8 weeks from surgery on monday and I'm already walking at about 95%. (slight bending)
My extension is at 6 degrees rested and 4 degrees being pushed by a PT as of tuesday.

I know I still have 3 more months or so for basketball and other pivot sports.

In a month or so I'll probably hopefully get into jogging and running,

Dr. Rashi would you recommend a brace for those activities

I had a Patella autograft repair done so should I invest into the Mcdougal and Cho Pat?
Thanks for the input fellas! Appreciated!

This could be a few different things. Majority of ACL injuries are a result of non-contact. If you tore it, you wouldn't of been able to walk on that knee. Worst case scenario if it was the ACL, it is probably what we call a Grade I sprain. If you feel the knee is "giving way", I would recommend to get it checked out by an orthopaedist.
I tore my ACL a few years back playing flag football. I didn't have surgery because I was still in school and couldn't take the down time. Did some PT, and rehabbed it. I still to this day do Plyometrics, boxes, agility ladder, hurdles, ect and play basketball (with a brace).

Definitely wasn't ACL then. Was able to finish off the game (actually scored after that lol) then I stopped playing and walked off on my own strength. Knee doesn't feel like it was giving way at all.Able to jump on one leg and it feels better everyday but still feel it when i bend it all the way back. Tomorrow will be a week since it happen.

Sounds like you need to use a Patella strap which reduces pain by taking pressure off the patellar tendon. I get the same thing when running lately and it is a tracking problem with my patella.
Good recommendation but I think by far the best strap is the Pro-Tec Patella Strap. It is way more comfortable than any others I have tried and has different sizes instead of a one size fits all.

I was actually looking into that one last weekend after it happen! Gonna go to a sporting goods store to see if I can find the Mcdavid strap. Hopefully I can get back to some lighter workouts on Monday. Would you recommend two and use them on both knees rather than just the one that was injured? Don't want to end up over compensating then hurt my left knee. Thanks!
I'm recovering from ACL surgery so I have been rehabbing the past two months.
It will be 8 weeks from surgery on monday and I'm already walking at about 95%. (slight bending)
My extension is at 6 degrees rested and 4 degrees being pushed by a PT as of tuesday.
I know I still have 3 more months or so for basketball and other pivot sports.
In a month or so I'll probably hopefully get into jogging and running,
Dr. Rashi would you recommend a brace for those activities
I had a Patella autograft repair done so should I invest into the Mcdougal and Cho Pat?

Honestly, I'm going to defer on recommending on what type of brace you use to your PT. The reason is because I would want to know your prior level of functioning before the injury, how the injury happened, how you are progressing, ect.. I believe your PT is in a better position to make that call. You still have some time before that, though. It's only 8 weeks, you're not really supposed to be doing anything active until at least week 12.

Getting that knee with in normal limits of extension is important. 0-5deg of extension is normal, some PTs like to get to close as zero as possible, but everyone is different.

After full recovery, in my opinion, the patellar tendon straps aren't really necessary unless you have had prior occurrences.

Good luck with your rehab.
Fracture you patella twice? Yikes! You probably developed what we call Chondromalacia of that patella. Which means the cartilage behind the patella that allows it to track smoothly has degenerated, which will happen when immobilize for long periods of time. Assuming they didn't do surgery, they probably had that knee immobilized in long leg brace for 8-12 weeks. And that will do it.
I would say you are better off doing "half squats", try this without weights first. To build up quad strength, you could do the knee extension machine, but angle it at 45deg. Reason being is that at 90deg. is too much force on the patella and the femur (thigh bone) behind it, at 45deg it is less. Start off light and build up.
Kneeling down is going to to suck and really hurt, I would try to avoid that as much as possible. My recommendation is to really focus of getting the strength supporting the knee, because if you are having problems now, just wait when you are 40. So the best way to counter that is to strengthen the muscles to support the joint.
You could this:

but add a folded pillow between the knee, as you get to the apex (the position the girl is in) squeeze the pillow with your knee. 3 sets of 10 or 15 or to your tolerance. It isn't as easy as it looks.
Also, doing exercise in the pool would be great for the knee. It would take gravity (pressure) off the joint while strengthening at the same time. Win-win.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but are the soles of your feet suppose to be touching each other; creating a triangular space - then thrust upward? At least I was taught that in physical therapy.

Rashi, are you a PT?
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but are the soles of your feet suppose to be touching each other; creating a triangular space - then thrust upward? At least I was taught that in physical therapy.
Rashi, are you a PT?

No, I'm a PA. I'm an orthopaedic specialist, I did my orthopaedic residency at Duke.

No, because having the sole of the feet together is not the natural alignment of the pelvic-hip complex. By having the soles of the feet together you don't engage the gluteal muscles as you would if they were apart.
Any NTers have any experience with injuries resulting from a knee collision? I recently collided with a defender while driving to the basket and now it hurts whenever I try to bend my legs, so I have to walk with a limp. Anyone know what this could be?
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