Bastard's of NT: From a scale 1-10, How much did not having your pops around affect you?

1-2 and only because it would have been nice to have a male cheering for me when I used to play team sports...
1-3.  I think I internalized a lot of the pain that stemmed from him leaving. It doesn't affect me on a day-to-day basis but, for example, if I see someone having fun with their pops (or watch the clip OP posted) it stings.

Anyways, fat shouts to the single mothers who held it down (like mine) and the fatherless children out there who ended up having kids & are great fathers
I'd rate 2.

My mom did a great job raising me. Not just me, but my two sisters as well. We all went to college and now have good jobs.
Now that I'm older, my father wants to get in contact with me. That's not happening.

When it comes down to it, the four of us is all we got in this world.
Originally Posted by Cuffy

I'm curious to know how this impacts girls raised w/o fathers. As a father myself, I couldn't imagine not being there and seeing my lil girl all the time. Just because you stop being with someone doesn't make that kid disappear
I can only speak for people that look like me.
1. A lot of times the mother bashes men so they are salty towards men.

2. The girls don't get that love/attention from their fathers so they can possibly turn that into seeking attention from man after man after man after man.

3. They never respected a man so they don't know how to respect a man. Can hurt their relationships with mates, coaches, teachers, or any males in authority.
this thread is too real...

like damn i feel for some of yall

*praises the lord I have the 2 best parents anyone could ask for*
my pops was/is around, but that's just it.
I've practically raised myself, he never taught me anything essential to life, and I barely know who he is, just another body in the house really.
so 5, it was harder when I was younger, but I've managed.

Google is more of my pops than my pops.
Originally Posted by D0nny Donowitz

1-3.  I think I internalized a lot of the pain that stemmed from him leaving. It doesn't affect me on a day-to-day basis but, for example, if I see someone having fun with their pops (or watch the clip OP posted) it stings.

Anyways, fat shouts to the single mothers who held it down (like mine) and the fatherless children out there who ended up having kids & are great fathers

word g cant lie i used to get a lil emotional watching animated movies with surrounding a pops and his son

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

I probably would treat women differently.


this too. i would treat them a lot better

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Cuffy

I'm curious to know how this impacts girls raised w/o fathers. As a father myself, I couldn't imagine not being there and seeing my lil girl all the time. Just because you stop being with someone doesn't make that kid disappear
I can only speak for people that look like me.
1. A lot of times the mother bashes men so they are salty towards men.

2. The girls don't get that love/attention from their fathers so they can possibly turn that into seeking attention from man after man after man after man.

3. They never respected a man so they don't know how to respect a man. Can hurt their relationships with mates, coaches, teachers, or any males in authority.

its a vicious never ending cycle
i was never deprived of anything because of his absence, but i'm sure it did have some effect on how i developed
like for one i'm not very handy...not good with mechanics or cars or anything like that
also i dont really like authority
it's hard to really quantify a question like that, especially from the first person narrative. it sounds like most of the answers in here are more about whether or not they WANT(ED) their father around. nobody can quantify that.

i am not fatherless myself, but i had quite a few friends that are fatherless and i notice similar traits across all of them...generalizations most definitely. but most of my fatherless friends are not the best at controlling their emotions and tend to blame others for their actions.
My father was killed 6 months after I was born.... My mom did a pretty good job, but having no male figure, to guide me kinda sucked... my brother's dad I would say did an amazing job on teaching me how NOT to be, dude was/is a loser....

I would have to say a 5 for me because although I really wish I knew what it was like to have him around, I think I turned out pretty well... I think my drive to succeed in life is 1000000% more intense because he is not here. who knows how I would be if he was here... but man what i wouldn't give to have one conversation with him....
and heres the other thing about not having a dad... im happy with the person i am... maybe not physicaly, but just the way i aproch life and the way i treat people... im only salty bout my childhood lacking and skills i could hqve gained... but im happy how i turned out for the most part...
Funny this pops up just after I called his punk @!@.

I would say maybe a 2, but that's only because I've been parent-less more than half of my life

...I'm a manager at a workers' firm, have my own place, financed a car on my own and I am a decent person.

Man !*@! him.

I'm learning how to be a man on my own, there ain't %*!@ he could do for me. He needs me, if anything. I just know that if I get the opportunity, I'm going to the best father I possibly can.
Well I have never even met my pops. Dude Gamed my mom up and my mom found out that he was married. Cant fault her there.

My brother is 15 years older than me so i had the man around the house influencing me for the right, my mom took no days off and became mom and dad for me

I never brought the subject up until last night (im 23) and on the real my mom forgot His last name hahaha, I honestly prob wont even have the opportunity to meet the guy, no Ill will to him since my moms kept the pregnancy away from

him. I still would like to meet him tho.

I grew up kinda bothered that i didnt have a dad just for the fun stuff (games, talks, sports, role model) but i had a brother who kept my real spiffy with Jays since birth.

Recently, its kinda bothered me since my GF family is like the modern white upper middle class family from WA, and Im the White/Mex single family 2 bedroom house kid from LB, CA.. Feels like i dont belong

I know one thing though, My kids will ALWAYS have me around. I will always be there for my wife.

So honestly from age 0-21 maybe a 3

21-23 a solid 6..

Here we go *Puts on Flame Suit*
Wont lie it was rough growing up without a father, but I had the greatest mother ever who provided me with everything I needed and then some. Certain things she couldnt teach me, things a father is supposed to show his son I learned on my own so my answer would probably be a 1. No hard feelings towards dude but I made it without him.
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