Batman 3 info

Originally Posted by iBlink

Kinda sucks that we'll all be dead in the winter... n's won't even be able to cop the blu-ray.


Honestly though IDK how excited I really am, it just seems it'd be so hard to follow up The Dark Knight. I would have been okay with leaving it at those two. But if Nolan directs, I know it'll be good.
I remember seeing the first pictures ever as heath ledger as the joker, looked COMPLETELY different from the final product... musta been 2 years before The Dark Knight.

Hell I remember seeing the Trailer before I Am Legend... I was SOOOO amped. To this day I have never been that amped for a movie.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I remember seeing the first pictures ever as heath ledger as the joker, looked COMPLETELY different from the final product... musta been 2 years before The Dark Knight.

Hell I remember seeing the Trailer before I Am Legend... I was SOOOO amped. To this day I have never been that amped for a movie.
Never. I seriously doubt I ever will again. IF anything it would be this movie.

I was just so into the viral stuff. The trailers were amazing, and the movie lived up to the hype and more for me.
Just as long as the story is solid and there's a logical progression in the Batman Nolan mythology we're good.

According to Nolan (on a report a couple weeks ago), this will be his last Batman film and he will not leave an open-ending. I'm curious to see how he will achieve this, especially because I believe this parallel's Tim Burton's vision for ending his franchise with Batman quitting, but we all know how that ended up.
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

btlgrnd wrote:

hard to follow heath ledger's joker though...

but if anybody could do it, it'd be johnny playing as riddler

As much as I like Johnny, I'd hate to see the Batman series go in that direction. This series doesn't need Johnny, although I think he'd do a great job.

I'd much rather see someone like Edward Norton play Riddler.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

That movie title is gonna piss off some old school comic book readers. Cause that's the title of Frank Miller's famed graphic novel The Dark
Knight Returns.

A lot of older comic book heads don't really watch the newer movies. They complain the movies only take the origins of a hero and change everything else, which is true. But not that big a deal to me, the comic are comics and the films are film....they should differ.


One of the best things I ever read in my life...

Originally Posted by Ducky Quack

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

btlgrnd wrote:

hard to follow heath ledger's joker though...

but if anybody could do it, it'd be johnny playing as riddler

As much as I like Johnny, I'd hate to see the Batman series go in that direction. This series doesn't need Johnny, although I think he'd do a great job.

I'd much rather see someone like Edward Norton play Riddler.
The Hulk? Nah, they're not going to get him. He's good but I think it should be somebody that didn't do superhero films. I think Ryan Gosling, he similar to all the actors in the films.
I have a prediction for this film. A crap load of people on here will turn in to film buffs and critique it like no other film in history.

"Look at the plot holes. They didn't explain enough." Blah blah blah.

Can't wait though.

Don't know if this was posted, but umm... The film gets a release date: July 20, 2012. Mark your calendars. No further info at the moment other than Chris Nolan is back and this will be the last one.
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