Batman: the Animated Series Appreciation

i have the whole series. used it watch it religiously as a kid but its dry as hell now

hispanic bane tho
Great series ! I was just talking about it a few days ago. I love the first 2 seasons, they hit on so many adult themes that would never pass in cartoons today. I kind of consider this cartoon the last cartoon that represented the 20th century. Characters like Rupert Thorne the mob boss/heroin dealer would NEVER be seen in a kids show today. Starting in 1995 with the fox Spiderman there were more regulations on what was considered acceptable in a kids show. This is why in spiderman and almost all cartoons following guns dont shoot bullets, instead they shoot lazers. Censors thought lazers were more child friendly than bullets.... go figure.
loved this show. the batman superman adventures was sick too

id be hella entertained as a kid watching these episodes. 90s cartoons >>>>
Best animated version of Batman ever. Mask of the Phantasm >* when they revealed who voiced Joker i was :wow:
I actually liked The Batman better which aired on the USA network from 2004 - 2008 (there were 5 seasons). My son got hooked on reruns when he was like 3-4 (couple of years back) & we ended up buying all the seasons on DVD.
One of the best representations if Batman IMO. So many good episodes. They still show it on that channel the HUB I think.
The DCAU is the GOAT:
-Batman TAS
-Superman TAS
-Batman Beyond
-Justice League
-Justice League Unlimited

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One of my favorites. I still catch from time to time on the HUB after a long day. Just so gritty and dark. 

Always loved this scene. 
I loved this cartoon growing up as a kid. It wasn't cheesy or corny like most cartoons made for children. Like dankenstein88 said it touched on a lot of adult themes which made it so much better. I'll still watch episodes from time to time, this cartoon will never get old for me.
One major difference I loved that separated it from almost every other super hero show was the fact that almost all villains had elaborate back-stories and most weren't really "evil" and even worked with batman from time to time. Most super hero shows are very simple minded in the sense that there are strict "good guys" and "badguys" sometimes a character switches teams but for the most part everything is set in stone and plots are very predictable. IMO the Batman universe always seemed more real and alive because there was a strong element of emotion incorporated into every character unlike most other universes where a bunch random extraterritorial beings were just dropped of on earth for no other reason than duke it out.

I vaguely remember one John Q style episode where a thief in an invisible suit is trying to save his daughter... Does anyone know the name of that eposide ?
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