Baton Rouge - 3 police killed, 7 shot

I said it before but to reiterate, it is career suicide for prosecutors who convict or even take police officers to trial. An aspect of the blue wall of silence that is rarely discussed is how police officers, detectives specifically, interact and cooperate with prosecutors who attempt to hold one of their own accountable in a court of law. We know cops who speak out against other cops are outcast, but so are the attorneys. There is a massive conflict of interest when it comes to charging and trying cops. They depend on law enforcement to compile evidence and build solid cases against criminals. If they alienate themselves from these people they will have a very tough time doing their job effectively going forward. Prosecutors career objectives include racking up man years and having the highest possible conviction rate so that they may go on to work with top private law firms and actually have a chance at paying off massive law school debt. Cops can directly affect the performance metrics of prosecutors and essentially ruin any chance at upward career mobility. This conflict of interest needs to be addressed if we are ever going to see cops held accoutable for theses deaths and brutality that happens daily.

The dallas police chief said we should teach our children to become police officers to affect change. We need to teach our children to become lawyers and work for the city/state. People wanna sacrifice their life to take out some random officers, sacrificing your career to do it in a court of law is a better alternative.

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