BB guns fights in college dorm. How much trouble can I get into?

Real talk, unless you're a football player at UF you're done.

Fam who said there's a bunch of snitches in college is absolutely right. Trust me...someone will rat, somebody already ratted probably.

I don't know what school you at but most of these schools have low tolerance...but you're probably paying an arm and a leg at some small instiution so they'll probably just fine you and keep you to keep getting your cash
OP how dumb can you really be....I mean seriously.....
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Ok Niketalk. Thanks to three idiots who I doubt I can be friends with now, I have just can from a BB shootout in my hall of the dorm. After several shoots fired and more I'm curious how much trouble could we get into if we get caught by the school/police? We bought the guns legaly at wallmart and got them on a whim. Now its just been them taking shoots at anyone of us with theris on them who just happened to be me at the time.
I own the Taurus 24/7 Clear 


Me and 4 others own BB pellet guns

We had a shoot out and it was loud

I'm curious what could happen if we are caught?Arrested or What?

this had me rollin
Quick story:

Mr brother and I had 2 BB rifles and a BB handgun maybe almost 10 years ago and we decided to take it out to the community pool and have target practice with objects ... within 30 minutes 5 cop cars, 1 ambulance and a firetruck came and drew their guns on us

The neighbors called the cops on us, they took away all our guns and gave us a crazy speech.
You could catch an assault charge if you hit a bystander. I get it, air soft wars having been going on since my parents were young and stupid but these days you do not want to play around with this kind of nonsense unless it's in your own private home. The University, if they have a zero tolerance policy, can expel you.
Originally Posted by nbirn2103

We used to have full out floor vs floor BB gun fights at night all the time in our college dorm. Our suites would get invaded at 3-4 am by sneak attack.

We never used the gas powered guns or used metal bullets. You'd have to be a fool to shoot someone with those!

Eventually the bottom level of our dorm building was covered in BBs and they sent out an announcement for us to stop. We didn't get in any trouble and this went on for weeks at a time before the overflow of BBs. It guess really depends on what school you go to.

NT, some of you need to lighten up. College FTW!


And what college do you go to?
Originally Posted by CherryRed

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Ok Niketalk. Thanks to three idiots who I doubt I can be friends with now, I have just can from a BB shootout in my hall of the dorm. After several shoots fired and more I'm curious how much trouble could we get into if we get caught by the school/police? We bought the guns legaly at wallmart and got them on a whim. Now its just been them taking shoots at anyone of us with theris on them who just happened to be me at the time.
I own the Taurus 24/7 Clear 


Me and 4 others own BB pellet guns

We had a shoot out and it was loud

I'm curious what could happen if we are caught?Arrested or What?

this had me rollin
me too, cliffertons for 3 lines of text
there were a few people that had airsofts on my floor.
The RA had this huge AK rifle that weighed like 20lbs.

This was a year or two before the whole VA Tech thing though.
BB Guns are regarded as weapons at my college. Weapons are a NO GO.

Like people said, at the least you will lose your Housing.
Not a good look to even have that in a dorm my man...don't put yourself at their mercy
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Ok Niketalk. Thanks to three idiots who I doubt I can be friends with now, I have just can from a BB shootout in my hall of the dorm. After several shoots fired and more I'm curious how much trouble could we get into if we get caught by the school/police? We bought the guns legaly at wallmart and got them on a whim. Now its just been them taking shoots at anyone of us with theris on them who just happened to be me at the time.
I own the Taurus 24/7 Clear 


Me and 4 others own BB pellet guns

We had a shoot out and it was loud

I'm curious what could happen if we are caught?Arrested or What?
OP. I actually am a Police officer at an university. My man you and your friends can really get yourself hurt. There are many guys that had BB guns and pellet guns and didn't live to say it was a fake gun. There have been too many ACTIVE shooter incidents in the past and we (Police Officers) train to stop the threat. If someone in your dorm say there are 4 guys in a dorm room with guns. The Campus/City police are coming like a thief in the night. There are numerous things that you can get charged with so I suggest that you keep those BB guns off campus. That record will follow and I am pretty sure you will have to take online class for the rest of your life. It would be too much of a liability to let someone with a history of guns attend a public college.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Proooooooooooobably not a good idea to have guns, real or fake, on a college campus.

The risk of getting caught and paying the price is not worth the five minutes of fun.
Yea we all know its fun in till some one gets hurt and i think u could get in a lot of trouble so my advise is dont do it keep the guns in your trunk
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