Beach Chair is a Jigga top 10

Apr 30, 2006
I listened to this joint all the way from work this morning. Its just a really good song IMO. Its not many Jay-z songs I would put ahead of it.
Top Ten?

lyrically?? you can make a case for it...

beat-wise? no. sounds like massage parlor music to me. good massage parlor music maybe, but not top 10 good.
Cashmere thoughts
politics as usual
watch me
so ghetto
show you how
justify my thug
Dead presidents
where im from
imaginary player
N please
Heart of the city

Are all better IMO

But its still a nice jam
Originally Posted by JAYFIEND

I listened to this joint all the way from work this morning. Its just a really good song IMO. Its not many Jay-z songs I would put ahead of it.

Originally Posted by Politics As Usual 22

Cashmere thoughts
politics as usual
watch me
so ghetto
show you how
justify my thug
Dead presidents
where im from
imaginary player
N please
Heart of the city

Are all better IMO

But its still a nice jam

Ehhh... I don't like these type of arguments, because I prefer some of his less "introspective" songs better than these, word to Kanye . Idon't like Meet The Parents as much as some do either, but that's just me. With that said...

Songs I prefer more than Beach Chair... (no order, maybe chronologically)

Ignorant Sh*T
I Know
Do U Wanna Ride
Tracks 1-4 on Kingdom Come
Do U Wanna Ride
December 4th
What More Can I Say
Dirt Off Your Shoulder
Public Service Announcement
Threat - and with this song said: "...shall I continya?"
Then again....

These are only solo joints off of released albums that can be considered....Not even counting unreleased work or tracks with a guest artist....How can youargue with Hiv being the G.O.A.T.?

Politics As Usual
Dead Presidents II
Feelin It
Can I live
Imaginary Player
Streets Is Watchin
Lucky Me
Where I'm From
You Must Love Me
Come and Get Me
Soon You'll Understand
Intro to "The Dynasty"
Girls, Girls, Girls
Heart of the City
Never Change
Song Cry
Meet the Parents
A Ballad for the Fallen Solider
B_s & Sisters
December 4th
What More Can I Say
99 Problems
Do You Wanna Ride
Minority Report
Beach Chair
American Dreamin
I Know
Say Hello
American Gangster

Top 20 sounds about right...Jay's career is ******ed
Beach chair is a damn good song and one of Jays best to close an album but it is not top ten material. I could see an argument for top 25 being reasonable buttop is a bit of a reach IMO.
I respect everyones opinion. And maybe I did jump the gun a little. But top 20 is still good out of over 100. I just like what he says in the song. A simpleline like "I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying" That's a great line to me. Yea its simple and there are better lines. Butwhen someone hears that , it can motivate and to me that's greatness.
^Yeah man I don't disagree with what you are saying....just because its not top 10 doesn't take away from the fact it is a great song because it is.
top of the head... streets is watching can i live where i'm from so ghetto brooklyn's finest squeeze 1st girls girls girls heart of the city neverchange encore lucky me imaginary player who ya wit originators

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