Bear vs Monkey race takes a grisly turn

Why does this remind me of that tale between a swan and a scorpion? I think it was a swan.

In the end, it's a damn bear. He's just doing what he would normally do.... minus the outfit and the bike.

But I'm not going to lie, I totally LOL'd at this.
Sometimes I wish we weren't at the top of the food chain and there was something that went around and gathered humans up by the truck loads for slaughter and made us live in cages while we spend our whole life traveling around performing in front of them..

Feel free to move to a third world country to have your wish granted. With any luck you can be a sex slave, a slave laborer or an organ donor. I wish you success with your goal, but don't include random people you wish would die in there without first volunteering.
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Wild animals aren't meant for the circus life 
you just dont **** charlene on monday and decide you want some monkey **** on tuesday no....
That bear started repeatedly tapping x, caught up to the monkey and was bout dat action.
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