Beautiful Black&White 5mins short Film you might enjoy

Main character must be a NTer, cause only a NTer would go to great lengths to do all that. Ted Chung's should make a continuation film entitled"YNS".

Naw, all jokes aside, that was very well made. Which reminds me...I still want to check out Medicine for Melancholy.
That was dope...I wish it were more though...
Damn, On Time was pretty sad actually...but well composed and put together along with the other two vids posted.

JF...i know everybody will have their own take on it, but to me its basically saying that you shouldn't want to alter the future....highlight the rest...idont wanna spoil it for anyone

if he never saw what was in the box, he wouldnt have gone for the girl at the airport, and his fiance would probably bumpedinto him and they would have gotten back together or something...i guess it also shows that you shouldnt jump the gun, rather let things fall into place asthey should...iono thats my interpretation.
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

what's the message of "On Time"?
Did you watch it? The message seemed pretty clear, it was kind of the same concept as the butterfly effect but what I got from it was everythinghappens for a reason and you should let things run its course naturally and not try to change or anticipate the future. It was a really good story and directedreally well.
I thought the meaning was to be patient. Like how he was wanting to see the future instead of waiting, and then as a result of not waiting he missed his girlcoming back.

But yeah you guys got it right. Makes sense.
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