Bee Sting Causes a Man to Hormonally Turn Into a Woman

Jul 11, 2006

click the link

Cliff notes:
1.  Man has Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY chromosomes) but didn't know it (though the extra X chromosome always made him feel more female than male)
2.  Has a deadly allergy to bees and is stung by one and has a near fatal reaction
3.  The bee sting resets his endocrine system and he starts producing large amounts of female hormones
4.  Begins growing boobs, skin gets softer, body hair falls out.  Body changes so much, that he needs to get a bra.
5.  Has always felt more like a woman trapped in a man's body than anything.
6.  Changes name, has gender reassignment surgery, and begins living full time as a woman.  Is now a her.
7.  Has two sons and a wife, continues to live with them, but eventually agrees on a divorce.
8.  Father disowns her.
9.  She attempts suicide.

I know a little about this story because my girl was on the Anderson Cooper episode that the family was on and got to speak to them a little.  I found the story intriguing because I studied psychology and human development but had never heard of a bee sting "rebooting" someone's endocrine system.

The story really is fascinating.


to everyone asking for a video, the video wont embed because of yuku.  the link to the video is right there in the OP though, just click it.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Oh, so the bee sting just happen to fit his agenda? 



Really? No one else finds this interesting?

to everyone asking for a video, the video wont embed because of yuku. the link to the video is right there in the OP though, just click it.

People with kleinfelters do not need bee stings to develop female type features, people with kleinfelters have as much genetically female material as women (2Xs)-it is no surprise that they produce an excessive amount of female hormones----I dunno what this has to do with the bee sting, sounds like he just finally had an excuse to get reconstructive surgery

Many people with Kleinfelters do prefer to live as women
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey


People with kleinfelters do not need bee stings to develop female type features, people with kleinfelters have as much genetically female material as women (2Xs)-it is no surprise that they produce an excessive amount of female hormones----I dunno what this has to do with the bee sting, sounds like he just finally had an excuse to get reconstructive surgery

Many people with Kleinfelters do prefer to live as women

Naw, he didn't even know he had Kleinfelters. 

The bee sting and resulting near fatal allergic reaction just messed with his endocrine system so badly that his body started producing MASSIVE amounts of female hormones.

Essentially he naturally started undergoing the hormonal treatments a lot of people do prior to gender reassignment surgery.  All he had done were his genitals... Everything else happened naturally.

I had just never heard of an allergic reaction messing with your hormones that bad.
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